Week 2 - Computer Aided Design

Week 2 - Computer Aided Design

this week we are going to explore different computer aided design.


  • do model (raster, vector, 2D, 3D, render, animate, simulate, ...) a possible final proejct
  • try compress your images and videos
  • post a description with your design files on your class page

2D modelling

To model in 2D you can use a raster and vector based program, which makes use of the concept of a rectangular field of pixels and you basically define the color and transparency of each pixel.

difference between vector and rastor -from devor designs


I am taking a look into how raster work.I installed GIMP

Screenshot 2024-02-01 at 12.04.14 PM.jpg

Imported a picture and used lasso tool for selection

Pasted image 20240201125232.jpg

carefully selected each part of the subject.

Pasted image 20240201125806.jpg

cut out the subject from the background
Pasted image 20240201130252.jpg

Screenshot 2024-02-01 at 1.03.09 PM.jpg

uploaded another image and pasted the cut out part in it.
Pasted image 20240201130912.jpg

Pasted image 20240201133014.jpg

Pasted image 20240201133320.jpg


I used Inkspace to vectorise a blurry malayalam text from a screenshot which means "Just Do It" in english which i was longing for long time to recreate. the problem is that i was not able to find out this font on internet.


i cropped the text part and used bit mapping tool to extract the text.
Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 3.06.04 PM.jpg
i got an average result even though image was very pixelated.
Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 4.40.40 PM.jpg

3D Modelling

i have previous experience with fusion which i used for 3d printing some designs.once i traced an image of a phone holder from internet to 3d print in from tinkerspace

Pasted image 20240207183409.jpg


onshape is something that have not used before. but i the idea of an cloud based  product development platform which allows live collaboration.

i tried this platform to make a simple 3d design
Pasted image 20240207180100.jpg

Pasted image 20240207180025.jpg

Pasted image 20240207182009.jpg

Pasted image 20240207182334.jpg

Fusion 360

i am building a clean render of my final project using fusion meanawhile to get knack of this tool when build a bulb to get used of this tool

Screenshot 2024-02-01 at 5.17.39 PM.jpg

i created component for each part of the bulb ,given proper dimesion with constraints .extruded this using revolve tool.added material for each part .finally added this in render page ,setted the environment and rendered it in cloud to get the below result.

bulb render.jpg


while i am looking for inspiration to design how my my final PROJECT should look like i saw a video of an vintage slot machine.

for designing the first rendering i DESIGNED a wheel and divided into 6 sections

Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 5.56.26 PM.jpg
and i copied4 times and stacked it
Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 5.56.50 PM.jpg

i imported a screenshot from the video using 'insert option' . drwan over it and scaled it using scale tool.

Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 5.57.17 PM.jpg

Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 5.58.51 PM.jpg

after the extruding the enclosure design i emboseed letters over it using emboss tool in fusion.
Screenshot 2024-05-22 at 5.58.56 PM.jpg

Screenshot 2024-02-13 at 1.51.09 AM.jpg

Screenshot 2024-02-13 at 2.24.48 PM 1.jpg



this is the rednering workbench where you have mnay tools to get the look you desired

Screenshot 2024-06-22 at 5.03.54 PM.jpg

in the appearance section you can add materials and textures

Screenshot 2024-06-22 at 5.04.01 PM.jpg
first draft v5.jpg

final rendering

Video Encoding

I downloaded the ffmpeg and manipulated its size and compressed the files using cmd line tools.

Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 5.52.37 AM.png

Auto Image conversion

Since i am using obsidian for documenting . i found out this community plugin to auto compress images when copied to the notes.
Screenshot 2024-02-05 at 6.02.36 AM.jpg


Week 2 was an immersive exploration of CAD techniques and tools. From raster and vector modeling in 2D to advanced 3D modeling in Onshape and Fusion 360, I gained valuable insights into the design process. The experience with video encoding and image conversion further enhanced my understanding of multimedia manipulation. Overall, it was a productive week, and I'm excited to continue refining my final project design in the coming weeks.