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Week 14: Interfaces and Application Programming

This week’s group assignment involves testing various tools for creating computer interfaces that visualize data effectively. We aim to evaluate each tool’s ability to produce clear and dynamic visualizations and their user-friendliness and adaptability to different data types. Our goal is to determine which tools best suit our needs for presenting complex data in an accessible and understandable format. By the end of the project, we will have a comprehensive understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each tool, enabling us to select the most appropriate technology for future data visualization tasks.


we utilized the Web Serial API to create a simple, yet effective user interface for controlling the onboard LED of an ESP32 microcontroller. The primary goal was to establish a direct connection between a web browser and the ESP32, enabling users to turn the LED on and off from a straightforward web-based interface.

The Web Serial API was instrumental in this project as it facilitated communication between the browser and the microcontroller over a USB connection. By sending specific commands through the web interface, users could control the state of the LED—either turning it on or off—demonstrating a practical application of real-time device management via web technologies.

This project not only highlighted the capabilities of the Web Serial API in bridging web applications with physical hardware but also served as a proof of concept for more complex applications that could include monitoring and controlling various environmental parameters or robotic systems, all through a common web browser. This simplicity and accessibility make it an appealing choice for developing interactive hardware control systems without the need for specialized software installations.


we leveraged WebSocket technology to facilitate real-time communication between two laptops. This setup was designed to demonstrate the power of WebSocket in enabling direct and instantaneous data exchanges without the need for polling or reloading the page.

Each laptop acted as both a sender and receiver, allowing for bi-directional communication where messages could be sent and received instantly by both parties. This was particularly useful for scenarios where timely and synchronized data exchange is critical, such as in collaborative applications or multi-user environments.

The WebSocket protocol was ideal for this purpose because it maintains a persistent connection between the connected devices, providing a conduit for real-time messaging. This is a significant improvement over traditional HTTP connections which are designed for intermittent and stateless communication. The ability of WebSocket to provide full-duplex communication enhances the efficiency and performance of interactive applications, making it an excellent choice for projects that require real-time capabilities across multiple devices.


we utilized Python along with the PySerial library to create an animation that dynamically adjusts its speed based on data collected from a serial device. This setup allowed us to directly connect to and read serial data from hardware devices, which was then used to influence the behavior of a graphical animation displayed on the screen.

Using Python made it straightforward to implement this functionality due to its extensive library ecosystem and its effectiveness in handling data streams. PySerial was particularly useful as it facilitated the communication between the Python application and the serial device, allowing for real-time data collection.

The animation’s speed variation was controlled by the incoming serial data, which could represent any measurable parameter from the connected device, such as temperature, speed, or pressure changes. For instance, higher readings from the sensor could increase the animation speed, while lower readings would decrease it. This not only made the animation interactive but also visually demonstrated how real-world data could directly impact digital systems.

This project showcased Python’s capability in creating data-driven applications and its potential in bridging the gap between physical data collection and digital visualization, making it an excellent tool for educational and experimental purposes in data science and hardware interfacing projects.


we utilized Kodular, a platform that simplifies app development through its drag-and-drop interface, to create a mobile application capable of controlling an LED on a Bluetooth-connected device. This app allows users to turn the LED on or off directly from their smartphones, demonstrating a straightforward but effective use of wireless communication technology.

The application communicates with a Bluetooth device, sending commands based on user interactions with the app’s interface. For example, when a user taps a button in the app, it sends a signal via Bluetooth to toggle the LED’s state on the connected device. This feature is particularly useful for remote control applications and basic IoT setups where users need to control hardware devices wirelessly.

Using Kodular made the development process accessible and efficient, enabling rapid prototyping and testing without extensive coding. This project not only showcased the practical application of combining mobile app development with hardware control but also demonstrated the potential of Kodular to facilitate the integration of mobile technology with electronic devices in user-friendly and innovative ways.


Alongside Kodular, we also employed MIT App Inventor, another user-friendly, block-based development environment designed to make the creation of mobile apps accessible to non-programmers. Our objective was the same: to develop a mobile application that could control an LED on a Bluetooth-connected device.

MIT App Inventor enabled us to design an intuitive interface where users could interact with simple controls—like buttons—to toggle the LED on the connected device. The platform’s straightforward drag-and-drop interface, combined with its powerful Bluetooth connectivity blocks, allowed us to easily set up communication between the smartphone and the Bluetooth device.

Using MIT App Inventor, we designed the app to send specific commands to the device whenever the user interacted with the app’s interface. This approach not only simplified the process of controlling the LED but also illustrated the potential of using such platforms for teaching concepts related to the Internet of Things (IoT) and home automation.

By leveraging both Kodular and MIT App Inventor, we were able to explore different aspects of app development and enhance our understanding of how to integrate mobile technology with physical devices effectively. This dual-platform approach provided us with valuable insights into the comparative strengths and capabilities of each tool, enriching our learning experience and broadening our development skills.

Last update: May 8, 2024