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6. Embedded programming

Group 1 (Ito-Yamada)

Assignment 1

  • Browse through the data sheet for your microcontroller;

Feature Xiao RP2040 ATSAMD11C  ATTINY1614
CPU Arm Cortex-M0+ Arm Cortex-M0+ 8-bit AVR
Clock Speed 133 MHz 48 MHz 20 MHz
SRAM 264 KB 32 KB 2 KB
Flash Memory 16 MB 256 KB 16 KB
UART 2 2 1
I2C 2 2 1
SPI 2 2 1
PWM Channels 16 12 8
ADC Inputs 8 12 8
Real-Time Clock Yes Yes Yes
Temperature Sensor Yes Yes No
Others MicroSD card slot Touch sensor controller, LCD controller -
Package 40-pin QFN 40-pin QFN 14-pin SOIC
Price Low Medium Low
Suitable Applications Small and inexpensive development boards, applications requiring a real-time clock, temperature sensor, and microSD card slot Applications requiring low power consumption, high performance, and a wide range of peripherals Small electronic devices requiring low power consumption, a small package, and a wide range of peripherals
Datasheet download download download

Note: Xiao RP2040 in the above table is the description of the board. While RP2040 has 30 GPIO pins (4 for analog input), Xiao RP2040 has 11 GPIO pins (4 for analog) available on the board.


  • Xiao RP2040: Recommended for users looking for a small and inexpensive development board, or for users who need a real-time clock, temperature sensor, and microSD card slot.

  • ATSAMD11C: Recommended for users who need low power consumption, high performance, and a wide range of peripherals.

  • ATTINY1614: Recommended for small electronic devices that require low power consumption, a small package, and a wide range of peripherals.

Assignment 2

  • Compare the performance and development workflows for other architectures

We picked up the following two boards.

Feature Microbit v2.2 Raspberry Pi Pico
Core nRF52833 (ARM Cortex-M4) RP2040 (Dual-core ARM Cortex-M0+)
Max Clock Speed 64MHz 133MHz
Memory (Flash) 512KB 2MB
SRAM 128KB 264KB
Digital I/O Pins 25 (including 3 dedicated to the accelerometer and magnetometer) 26 programmable I/O
Analog Inputs N/A 3 ADC channels
Interfaces I2C, SPI, UART, Bluetooth Low Energy I2C, SPI, UART, USB 1.1 Host/Device
USB Micro USB (Type-B) Micro USB (Type-B)
IO Voltage 3V (1.8-3.6V) 3.3V (1.8-3.3V)
Max Operating Current 300mA 300mA
Special Features Built-in accelerometer, magnetometer, temperature sensor, light sensor, 25 LED matrix, speaker, microphone Programmable IO (PIO) for custom peripheral support
Datasheet download download


Microbit v2.2 is notable for its built-in sensors and 25 LED matrix, making it particularly suited for educational purposes and beginners to learn programming and electronics. It also includes Bluetooth Low Energy for wireless communication.

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Also, please read the individual assignment page for further inforamtion about micro:bit.

Raspberry Pi Pico, on the other hand, features a more powerful dual-core processor and larger memory, plus the unique Programmable IO (PIO) for custom peripheral support, making it more versatile for a wide range of projects, including those requiring custom hardware interfaces.

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Raspberry Pi Pico setup steps:

  1. Adjust Google Chrome settings for downloads.
  2. Download and install MicroPython firmware on the Raspberry Pi Pico.
  3. Connect the Raspberry Pi Pico to the computer using a USB cable, ensuring the “BOOTSEL” button is pressed while connecting.
  4. Install Thonny IDE on your computer, which is used for writing and uploading code to the Raspberry Pi Pico.
  5. Configure Thonny with MicroPython for Raspberry Pi Pico.
  6. Write and run a simple program to blink LEDs randomly.
Sample Code

import machine
import utime
import random

pwm_red = machine.PWM(machine.Pin(16))
pwm_green = machine.PWM(machine.Pin(17))  
pwm_blue = machine.PWM(machine.Pin(18)) 


while True:
  # Generate RGB value randomly.
  red = random.randint(0, 255) 
  green = random.randint(0, 255)
  blue = random.randint(0, 255)

  # Controlling LED by PWM
  pwm_red.duty_u16(int(red * 65536 / 256))  
  pwm_green.duty_u16(int(green * 65536 / 256))
  pwm_blue.duty_u16(int(blue * 65536 / 256))  

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Also, please read the individual assignment page for further inforamtion about Raspberry Pi Pico and Thonny IDE.

Last update: March 6, 2024