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1. Principles and practices, Project management

FabAcademy 2024 FabLab Kannai site

    • Instruction / Tips
    • Group Assignment
    • Machine Building


  • Your Remote Repositry
    • Login -> forget password -> new password
  • Class
    • Issue tracker -> Notification Setting -> Watch


  • Login with GitLab ID and PW
  • Jitsi Meet

Weekly Schedule

Session EST Boston JST WAT
Wed Global Session 9:00 23:00 15:00 Zoom meeting ID: 894 1627 8965
Thu Remote Local Session 15:00 7:00 Microsoft Teams meeting
Sat Local Session 10:00 @FabLab Kannai
Sat Global Open Time 9:00 23:00 15:00 Zoom meeting ID: 969 900 9392
Mon Recitation 9:00 23:00 15:00 same as Global Session
Tue Asian Regional Review 12:00


Review 1 Meeting ID:836 4222 5680 - Passcode: four three two one
Review 2 Meeting ID: 828 6253 3539 - Passcode: four three two one
? MiddleEast and North Africa
Regional Review
? ask if join

3 weeks session for Nigerian Students

  • Feb 7 - 27 @ FabLab Kannai
    • Feb 12 - 13 @ Fablab Hamamatsu


Principles and Practices

Individual Assignment

plan and sketch a potential final project

  • Draw your idea(s) on a paper
  • Describe briefly what it will do and who will use it

Project Management

Individual Assignment

read, sign the student/instructor/lab agreements, and commit to your repos

  • copy student agreement
  • sign and include in your repository

Individual Assignment

work through a git tutorial

At least includes

git config --global "myname"
git config --global ""

ssh-keygen -t ed25519

git clone

git add .
git status
git commit -m "comment"
git push

Individual Assignment

build a personal site in the class archive describing you and your final project

  • Find a Text editor
    • VS Code
    • etc
  • Choose Markdown or HTML
    • Use the selected one until the end of FA
    • Mkdocs
    • HTML
      • Template
      • Responsive Web Design for Smartphone
  • Create “About” page (self-introduction)
  • Create Final Project page
    • add your potential final project sketch
      • check image size
        • 4K resolution -> 1080P -> 540P or less
        • 3MB -> 300KB -> 100KB or less
        • But keep it readable for evaluation
        • App_Image
        • App_video encording
      • 10MB/git_push limit
      • Include in repo, not in YouTube etc

Last update: February 1, 2024