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Fusion 360 Electronics

The Future of Autodesk EAGLE

Autodesk blog: Our Path Forward with Fusion 360 Electronics [en] [jp]

  • Effective June 7, 2026, Autodesk will no longer sell or support EAGLE. Moving forward, we will continue to invest our energy in Fusion 360 Electronics.
  • EAGLE Free Subscribers: Fusion 360 for Personal Use is the suggested path forward. Fusion 360 for Personal Use is free and includes integrated CAD, CAM, and CAE functionality, up to two sheets per schematics, two Signal Layers, and a 80mm2 board area.
  • Fusion 360 Subscribers: If you already use Fusion 360, the learning curve from Autodesk EAGLE to Fusion 360 Electronics will be minimal.

Fusion 360 Electronics Migration Guide for EAGLE Users

Autodesk EAGLE Announcement - Next steps and FAQ [en] [jp]

Ref. Autodesk Eagle

New Electronics Design

File -> New Electronics Design
Alt text

New Schematic
Alt text

Alt text


Open Library manager Alt text

Select all -> Disable library
Alt text

Download fab.lib and Import it from local disk


For Better libraries management, create my_library folder and place all downloaded .lib file in it Alt text

Alt text

Search fab and set the status to In Use Alt text

Search supply1 and set the status to In Use Alt text

Download pinhead-2.lib, XIAO_RP2040_SMD-Pin and others, import them and set all to In use
Alt text


User Language Program (ULP)

Ref. FA2020

Drill Holes making


run drill-aid 0
Shortcuts -> SET FILL_LAYER 116 1;run drill-aid 0 -> press F12 to assign the key
Alt text
Alt text



Set Grid On Alt text

Add component from library

Press / to active command line mode and type add

Alt text


Alt text


Command command line mode Short cut key
Place component / add a
Net / net r
Name / name n
Value / value v
Move / move m
Copy / copy command/control + c
Delete / delete command/control + c
Group copy / copy -> Right click -> select Groupe Copy command/control + c -> command/control + v
Groupe move / move -> Right click -> select Groupe Move Drag by mouse

Switch to PCB Document

Alt text


Alt text


/ drc


Endmill size

  • Trace: 1/64”(16mil)= 0.39688 mm
  • Outline and holes: 1/32” = 0.79375 mm

To create a tool path, the clearance must be greater than the end mill size. According to my test, to set the clearance to 1/17 mil (0.4318 mm) give a better result with the end mill size of 1/64”.

Alt text Alt text

Outline for milling

Create new layer and name outline Alt text
Alt text

Select layer 100 and / and line command

Draw closed shape by line
Alt text
Alt text
Select layer 20 BoardOutline and move green lines to show the entire outline shape
Alt text
Use Polygon Pour from Outline and click outlines to be filled on Layer100
Alt text
Select layer 100 Outline
Alt text
/ and export in command line Alt text
Export outline as Monochrome PNG Alt text
If all compornents are inside the outline shape, you will get this result Alt text

For milling

Undisplay signal names on pads and traces

/ and set
Alt text
Select the tab Mi…(miscellaneous) and off Display singal names
Alt text
Undisplaied signal names. Ready to export Top PNG Alt text

Make drill holes

Set ULP -> see Drill Holes making

run drill-aid 0  

Press F12key
Turn view on Layer 116 centerDrill


Last update: February 15, 2024