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Project Proposal


Project description

The MEDICO-ARMILLIS 1.0 project is an electronic bracelet for use in the medical field. This bracelet will make it possible to reduce the number of return visits to the doctor and to ensure the medical follow-up of patients, as well as reducing the risks of contamination in cases of serious pathology with a high rate of spread. The main functions of MEDICO-ARMILLIS are as follows:

  • Measuring heart rate;
  • Measure oxygen levels in the blood;
  • Measure pulse;
  • Alert in the event of a patient emergency;
  • Ensure the patient’s medical follow-up.


For many years now, the world has been faced with an increasing number of pathologies that manifest themselves in the form of crises, such as asthma attacks, tension attacks, strokes, etc. We know that during these crises, response time is crucial to avoid compromising the vital prognosis of patients. With this in mind, we launched the MEDICO-ARMILLIS 1.0 project. In order to overcome these problems.

The missions

  • Reduce response time in the event of a crisis;
  • Relieve overcrowding in hospitals and health centres;
  • Ensure good medical follow-up.

  • At first I wanted to make a bracelet but for aesthetic reasons I decided to make a box because it is more partique.

Follow me to discover how I worked to achieve this result

You’ll find all the details on how to build my module in the project development section.

Last update: June 5, 2024