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15. Wildcard week

Group assignment:


Individual assignment:

Design and produce something with a digital fabrication process (incorporating computer-aided design and manufacturing) not covered in another assignment, documenting the requirements that your assignment meets, and including everything necessary to reproduce it.


3D laser engraver is a device that uses a laser beam to engrave three-dimensional patterns on various surfaces. These machines combine the precision of lasers with the ability to work on curved or irregular surfaces, offering high-quality results on a wide range of materials. This type of 3D crystal engraving machine uses an imported air-cooled laser system, which not only significantly increases engraving speed, but also produces a fine point of light. It cuts digital images with distinctive, high-quality features, offers good stability and is easy to maintain. This machine is ideal for large shopping centers, tourist resorts and high-traffic areas, enabling the creation of personalized portraits.


model PE-DP-A2
average life > 20000 Hours
Max frequency 5000 Hz
PMax engraving area 400mm X 320 mm X 120 mm
Focal Length (standard) 120 mm
Focal Length (Optional) 120 mm
Accuracy 20 μm ~ 40 μm
Max Speed 300000 points / minute
Repeat Offsite 10 ~ 20 μm
Power < 350W 220V / 60Hz
Net Weight 185 kgs
Cooling Air cooling
Environment Less dust and shock, Temperature 10-35°C, humidity < 85%
Applicable Materials Crystal, Glass, Acrylic and Other Internal Carvings and Mental Surface Carvings
Package Size 1060 mm x 1060 mm x 1460 mm
Machine Size Machine

Model preparation

We used a model we found on the machine manufacturer’s website, which you can consult here. You can also consult the user’s guide over there.

We are two software packages:

  • 3D Crystal: convert the 2D/3D model into a point cloud in .cad format

  • Laser Control: control the machine to engrave the .cad image in the crystal

Follow these steps:

  • Open the 3D model file

  • Select the file and click on open

We need to obtain the following:

As can be seen in the image, the file size is too large, it’s outside the crystal. To solve the problem, right-click and choose Adjust to crystal size .

The orange box corresponds to the size of the 3D model.

The white box shows the crystal size; we can modify the crystal size by changing the block size. For example, we’re using the crystal size “558”, as shown in the image below.

We can change the view direction by clicking on the buttons in the image


To add the text, click on the text tool and enter our text and the size.

You can use these tools to move text around

  • Generate point cloud

We’ll use 360-degree points for the 3D model, so right-click on the mouse and click Generate point cloud.

Configure parameters:

Hori: 0.08 ~ 0.12 we use 0.1

Layer Num: 3 ~ 5, we use 5

Distance: 0.15 ~ 0.45 we use 0.2

Combine pattern and text points

Click on File > Export and give your file a name in .cad format.

Open laser control software

  • Open file

Select the file and click Open

You must obtain the following

  • We’re using a size 558 crystal, press X/2 Y/2 Z/2 to set the center position.

  • Click on the light button and press Start




Last update: May 31, 2024