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Project development

We’re going to walk you through the process of creating our final project. this will include our 3D modeling, laser cutting, printed card design and material selection. all of these steps are in direct line with the project we’ve decided to do, and we hope, through the grace of the Lord, to achieve our goals.


robot development

Modeling body

Using Fusion 360, a very interesting software package with an exceptional interface, we modeled the various parts of our robot. For the dimensions, we based ourselves on those of the DJI Robotmaster, i.e. 320 x 240 x 270 mm.

  • sketch of robot parts

  • we’re going to make some special wheels and print them. Our wheels will have teeth, a bit like tracked machines.

  • We have also modelled a support in which our motors will be housed.

When I put everything together, I get the following result:

Animate movie


Last update: May 28, 2024