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Molding and casting

Group assignment:

  • Review the safety data sheets for each of your molding and casting materials

  • Make and compare test casts with each of them

Molding and Casting materials

below you will find the equipment we have at our disposal at the Lab :

Safety rules

Technical and safety data sheets are linked for each material. The technical data sheet provides operational data such as technical specifications and processing recommendations. The safety data sheet describes the various hazards associated with the material and the risk levels.

Only Smooth-Cast™ 300 Series and SORTA-Clear™ Series will be used for our molds.

Read the safety instructions carefully before using these products. Wear gloves and goggles.

the following hazards are listed in the Smooth-Cast® safety data sheet

The following first-aid measures are listed in the safety data sheet for the same material.


as material for the mold, we have machinable waxes in different sizes, as shown in the following image.


Here, we have two ways of creating our mold, using either the Shopbot or the Monofab. We’ll use the Monofab with the 1/8 diameter tool.