
Laser Cutter Tests

We tested the vector cutting in a grid array that varied the Power intensity from 25 to 100 in 25 percent increments in the Y axis, and the speed from 25 to 100 in 25% increments in the X axis. We ran these tests on 1/8" basswood, 1/4" plywood, 1/16" corrugated cardboard, 1/4" corrugated cardboard, and 1/4" acrylic. We then ran a raster engraving test with the same power and speed variability on the Y and X axis, but increased it to show it in increments of 10% so we had a more preceise array of intensities.

Copyright 2024 Moonlighter FabLab - Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial. Source code hosted at fabcloud/fabacademy/2024/thomas-pupo