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12. Molding and Casting

Hero Shots

Assignement requirements

individual assignment:

  • design a mold around the process you’ll be using, produce it with a smooth surface finish, and use it to cast parts
  • extra credit: use more then two mold parts

group assignment:

  • Review the safety data sheets for each of your molding and casting materials, then make and compare test casts with each of them
  • compare printing vs machining molds

Group Assignement

Here is the link for the group assignement.

The group assignment link is also attached below.

Individual Assignement

Designing the mold

First step is to export the illustration of my Logo I want to mold.

Now Let’s extude this to 15mm !!!

Make some conges to make the surface smooth and the resin can be at all the mold side

Now we can create the mold box from the middle of our Logo object. Create a two-sided extrusion with the same height

After creating the box, we can decrease the opacity of the box object to be able to see the logo object inside and operate easly.

With the Combine tool we will create a new component from the box and use the logo object as tool and select the cut operation and keep tools option activated.

Now after creatin a construction plane in the middle of the mold box, we’ll use this as tool to split the mold box by two equals sides.

Lets now create a hole point to make us able to assemble the two sides after printing. With the sphere tool select the mold box internal side in a corner and put the right dimension you want.

We can use finally the rectangular pattern tool to duplicate the sphere to the differents corner of the mold box

Using again the combine tool we will create the hole points on the top side by using the bottom side as tool and use the cut operation with the keep tool option activated

Last step is to create the resin insertion hole with the hole feature

Tadam here is the mold box created !!!


Here is a small animation to show the design process !

Molding & casting

After 3D printing here is the results :

Here is a iverviw of the tools i’m going to use :

Safety first

10g Resine in each recipient

Make sure you put the glove before feeding the mold mold carefully until there is no space left inside

Then use the clamp to maintain the mold box and the resin inside until the long 12H minimum waiting time finished !!!

Final result

Yeah Here is the final result !!!

What went well / What went wrong ?



Last update: July 9, 2024