1. Principles and practices, Project Management¶
This week I worked on defining my final project idea and started to getting used to the documentation process. There is three important things I want to share with you before you continue the lecture :
- First off all, document as you progress ;
- second, used the spiral development methodology for your project management process to make it measurable and achievable;
- And Last things is to manage your task with the parallel supply task logic.
Assignement of this week¶
- Sketched your final project idea(s)
- Described briefly what it will do and who will use it
- Made a website and described how you did it
- Created a section about yourself on that website
- Added a page with a sketch and description of your final project idea(s)
- Documented steps for setting up your Git repository and adding files to it
- Pushed to your class GitLab repository
- Signed and uploaded Student Agreement.
Useful links¶
Part 2¶
This week I started by building my site using Git and Markdown (I am running on windows). I also used VS code as a code editor to edit the markdown code used in my website.
Step 1: Download & install Git¶
- Visit the official Git website git-scm.com
- Download the latest version for Windows.
Step 2: Install Git¶
- Run the downloaded installation file.
- Follow the on-screen instructions. Accept the default settings unless you have specific needs.
- Step 3: Verify Installation
- Open Command Prompt (cmd) or Git Bash.
- Type git –version to verify that Git is properly installed.
Coding in Markdown on Windows¶
Step 1: Choose a Text Editor¶
PS: I choose VS Code. - Download a text editor like Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or Notepad++. - Install the editor on your computer.
Step 2: Download & use a Markdown Template¶
Step 3: Writing in Markdown¶
Use Markdown syntax to format your text. For example:
# Title for a heading.
- item for a bullet list.
**text** for bold text.
NB: Save your changes regularly.
Step 4: Preview Markdown¶
Some text editors have a Markdown preview feature. Use this feature to see what your document will look like.
Step 3: Using Git to Store Files¶
Step 1¶
Use git add file_name.md to add your Markdown files to the repository.
Step 2: Commit¶
Type git commit -m “Your commit message” to record your changes in the repository.
Step 3: Push to a Remote Repository¶
Push your changes with git push origin master