Final Project Development¶
In this week I need answer some questions about my final project.
What task I completed?¶
I already completed gears and spool design and printed them and also tested the stepper motor. I separately tested all my electronic components with Arduino Uno and breadboard to understand how they work and if I would have broken components I have time to order and replace them. First I tested encoder I found simple code and understand how encoder works and how I can program it. I test also LCD I2C screen. I used screen before and have already known how program it. After testing all component and understand what connections and pins I need. I started designing my PCB and tried make my board simple and with less wires. I also learnt about PID controller. Because I wanted use it for my project hot end temperature controlling.
What tasks remain and what questions need to be resolved?¶
I need to finish my boards design. Test all components again with my boards. Laser cut bed and electronic box and integrate electronic components in electronic box. Write program for my project from scratch. Found the material that will ensure thermal insulation.
What has worked. What has not?¶
All components that I tested with Arduino Uno worked. Just had some troubles with encoder programming. At first, the encoder gave also negative values. That is why I needed to add the condition that will check the value of the encoder position is greater than 0, and after that subtract from the value.
What will happen and when?¶
Because I have a little time I need do my tasks parallel. That is why I make schedule for my tasks, considering that technical problems with electronics and programming may occur․ And for better time management I made a Gantt chart to schedule my final project tasks.
Here is what I imagine it will look like.
What have I learned?¶
I have learnt a lot things about PIR control and stepper motor. How they work I watch a lot tutorials that helped me a lot. And also leant how I need design gears and the website that generate Spur gears helped me calculate the dimensions of gears.