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A primary idea of final project

Final Project plan and idea introduction

Promoting Ecosystem Health Robot

I have an idea to make a robot, which will heal the whole ecosystem by his some functions. Ensuring a good environment is directly connected to human life and its well-being. This equipment provides a chance to solve issues and contribute to more extensive solutions. Robot has a sampler, which allows to dig into the ground, insert the sample and lift it up. Also I did some research and find a brilliant reference for my final project’s robot. You can get acquainted with it by clicking here. It is a car-sized Mars rover designed to explore the Jezero crater on Mars as part of NASA’s Mars 2020 mission-named Perseverance.

Promoting Ecosystem Health Equipment’s primary sketch. Thinking around formation, modeling, function and how it will all work together.

Promoting Ecosystem Health Equipment's primary sketch After that I modeled some primary model and superficially determine where to put measuring objects like lidars, sensors, camera and etc. As my robot has to measure surfaces, objects and determine ranges.

3D model

The sampler’s sequence of operations schematically

Moving process, sampler

How it works

1. Robot is being taken into the appointed place.
2. Scans the appointed place.
3. Perceives from where to take a sample.
4. Gets to that place.
5. Starts to dig into the soil
6. Raises the taken sample
7. Transports the sample from the collection point to the storage chamber

What problems solves the Robot

- Simplifies and speeds up sampling operations
- Performs sampling and screening simultaneously
- Improves the ecosystem in its functions
- Saves human resources
problems solving
helps to take a sample in hard-to-reach area
makes sample taking process faster
contributes to the health of ecosystems

Also I think it could be brought to a planned place by drone.