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Circuit Simulation 1

Our local instructor thought that creating a basic simulation of our final project board would be a good idea, so I created one on Wokwi. This would be really helpful when creating my Pseudocode and understanding the flow of my circuit, as well as how it would work.

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The microcontroller that I wanted to use wasn’t available 😔 , so I decided to use the Arduino UNO since it’s pretty beginner-friendly, and I can compare the PINOUT diagrams and make the according changes to my actual project.

After doing research online, this is the simple circuit that I had. I couldn’t find an RFID card reader, so I simulated it with a button, and this is how it came out;

This website was created using a template provided by Mr. Anith Ghalley and was used with his permission.*

Last update: June 28, 2024