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Board 1

PCB Construction


I started off by going through the Fab Academy page and I found resources for the ESP32-WROOM-32 on the embedded programming resources page. I used these images as a reference to start off my design.

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The Schematic Editor

I opened KiCad, which you can learn more about here, and then started dragging my components onto my workspace.

No. Components Quantity
1 Conn_PinHeader_FTDI_1x06_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD 1
3 ESP32-WROOM-32D 1
4 Regulator_Linear_ZLDO1117-3.3V-1A 1
5 Button_Omron_B3SN_6.0x6.0mm 1
6 1uF capacitor 2
7 10uF capacitor 1
8 Standard LED_1206 1
2 109 Ω resistor 1
9 10k Ω resistor 1

I followed the above images as a reference, and then added one LED and resistor (as my output device). After connecting the pins, this is what my schematic editor looked like.

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You can access this file here

The PCB Editor

After confirming that all the components were properly connected, and that nothing was wrong, I moved onto editing the actual PCB footprints. I opened the PCB editor, and all my footprints were on the screen!

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After confirming, I started connecting the components 😭 I spent about 20 minutes connecting everything, and this is how it came out.

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You can access this file here

Mods CE

After exporting my design as SVG files, I opened Mods CE, and then formatted them. I already documented the basic process here, but here are the settings that I used.

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You can access the RML files here and here


I used the monoFab SRM-20 to mill this design. I set the origin, and then I started milling.

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The first trace cut was pretty rough in a few areas, and that meant that we didn’t set the copper base plate properly, but the middle area was smooth, so I moved my design there and then printed it successfully (or so I thought 😨).

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When taking this picture of my PCB, I noticed that the ESP footprint looked really weird, and then I realized that everything has short-circuited. So I went back to my Mods CE page, and realized that my DPI was a bit too high. So I went online and found that the ideal DPI was 500. I fixed the DPI settings, and this is what the g-code looked like (no short circuits this time 😉)

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You can access my new and improved file here


I made a list of all the components that I needed, and then started to solder.

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After soldering, I needed to make sure that all of the components were connected properly, and that the board works properly, so I tested it using a multimeter.

During this time, I realized that there was a short circuit somewhere on my board, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. After double checking everything, I decided to redo my board (with an input device this time). So I redid everything but with an additional LED, and this is how the board came out.

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Last update: June 28, 2024