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Cardboard Prototype I

Both our regional instructor and local instructor advised us to create fast cardboard prototypes of our final project. This would help us understand how much time the actual project would take, and to work out any problems or issues with the structure or layout of the components, so we worked on that today.


Here’s how my prototype came out 😨

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Based on the sketch that I made on the very first day of Fab Academy, I created my prototype which was focused around the Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040 (I’m back a few weeks later and I’ve decided to switch to the ESP32 WROOM32D).

The top of the container has an OLED display, which displays “SUCCESS”, and then the index number of the scanned card. This is on a hinge which can open (for internal maintenance), where my development board and other components are nested.

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I also added a reset button to press once a card has been scanned, as well as an SD card slot, and then a slot to connect to the microcontroller.

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My Thoughts

This prototype took me about 3 hours to create, and I’m decently satisfied with how it came out. I have a much better idea of what to do next time, and I’ll definitely be making more of these in the future.

This website was created using a template provided by Mr. Anith Ghalley and was used with his permission.*

Last update: June 28, 2024