Project Development¶
A quick page for documenting my final project progress and updates !!!
credits to Rico for all the help and organization !!!
note: these questions were originally answered on May 20th and have been updated as of since.
What tasks have been completed? What tasks remain?¶
- Design my enclosure ✅
- Fabricate my encloure (in progress)
- Fabricate my Final Project Board ✅
- Create a video script
- Create a concept slide ✅
- Document my progess
- Program my board
What has worked? what hasn’t?¶
I’ve been able to communicate and read card information using the RC522 RFID module, however, I’m unable to send this data to Google Sheets and store it on there. My final project board is working completely fine, and my enclosure is currently printing.
update: my enclosure has just finished printing, and everything is coming together nicely. I was able to send information to Google Sheets, and read information with my card reader, now I need to link the two together. - 29/05
What questions need to be resolved?¶
- Is my enclosure user intuitive?
- How do I send and store information on Google Sheets?
- What do I want to do for my video presentation?
updates: 1. Printed a small icon on the top to make it easier to use and understand. 2. I was finally able to send and store information on Google Sheets !!! 3. I want to create a video reminiscant of a 90’s commercial
What will happen when?¶
We’re in the final stretch, so here’s the workplan that I’m following:
Date | What’s Happening? |
May 20 | Final Project Information and Documentation and Enclosure Fabrication |
May 21 | Enclosure Assembly and Improving and Electronics Integration |
May 22 | Working on Feedback from Yesterday |
May 23 | Designing and Fabricating Component Holders |
May 24 | Integrating Components |
May 25 | Google Sheets and Debugging |
May 26 | Google Sheets and Debugging |
May 27 | Google Sheets and Debugging |
May 28 | Draft Video and Draft Slide |
May 29 | System Integration and User Friendliness |
May 30 | Final Project Board Fabrication and Final Project Board Soldering |
May 31 | Finish Programming |
June 1 | Final Assembly |
June 2 | Film Scenes for Video |
June 3 | Plan out Slide and Plan out Video Flow |
June 4 | Compile Videos |
June 5 | Finish Editing Video |
June 6 | Finish Editing Slide |
June 7 | Last Details and Project Presentation |
What have you learned?¶
The past few weeks have been immensely informative for me. Maybe because we have our regional instructor with us (thanks Rico) and the help of our local instructor (thankyou sir). I’ve been able to finish designing my enclosure and integrate all of my hardware and software. I’ve gotten an idea of how to program my board and how the program is going to flow. I’ve also learned how to document at a much more efficient and quick pace.
update: I’ve also gotten a good idea of what I’d like my video and slide to look like, as well as how I’m going to disseminate and present my project - 27/05
This website was created using a template provided by Mr. Anith Ghalley and was used with his permission.*