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Week 10 Introduction


Group assignment:

  • Design a machine that includes mechanism + actuation + automation + application
  • Build the mechanical parts and operate it manually
  • Document the group project
  • Actuate and automate your machine
  • Document the group project

Individual assignment:

  • Document your individual contribution

To do:

  • Documented my machine building process to the group page
  • Documented my individual contribution to this project on my own website
  • Link the group page from my individual page as well as from the group page to my individual pages
  • Shown how my team planned, allocated tasks and executed the project (Group page)
  • Describe problems and how the team solved them (Group page)
  • List possible improvements for this project (Group page)
  • Include my design files (Group page)

Learning outcomes

  • Work and communicate effectively as a team
  • Design, plan and build a machine
  • Analyze and solve technical problems
  • Recognize opportunities for improvements in the design

This website was created using a template provided by Mr. Anith Ghalley and was used with his permission.*

Last update: June 30, 2024