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Project Management

Time Management and Organization:

After the first session of the year, I was convinced that a good way to start my Fab Academy journey would be to create a schedule. I wasn’t able to implement the supply side time management technique, however, I plan on working on that very soon.

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It’s kinda rough right now but it’ll improve as the course progresses.


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GitLab is a web-based platform for version control and collaboration in software development. It provides a repository, issue tracking, continuous integration, and more. GitLab enables teams/users to efficiently manage code, collaborate on projects, and automate aspects of software development.

If you’d like to follow along using GitLab, you can:

  • Visit the GitLab website
  • Explore the “Get Started” or “Sign Up” section.
  • Choose the appropriate GitLab version ( for cloud-based or GitLab self-hosted for on-premise).
  • Create an account by signing up.

If you’re a Fab Academy student, your account and repository should be set up for you !

Setting Up GitLab

To set up GitLab, I opened up Git Bash and ran the command git —version. This will command should verify if Git has been installed or not.

After verifying this, I configured my user. You can do this doing the following:

  1. Enter the following command:

git config —global []( >the username you signed up to GitLab with<

  • (this will configure your username for future use)

  • Enter the following command:

git config —global []( >the email address you signed up to GitLab with<

  • (this will configure your email address for future use and reference)

  • Enter the following command:

git config —global —list

  • (this command returns the username and email address that you entered earlier, as well as any other information you may have added)

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This is the Git tutorial that I followed for this week.


Before you actually start documenting, you need something to document on, so I cloned my remote repository onto my desktop.

You can do this by going to your assigned page, and pressing the tab on the top right-hand side of your screen, and then clicking on

Clone with SSH

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After this, create a folder on your desktop (this will be your new local repository so name it appropriately), and then right-click> show more options> open Git Bash here.

Once the Git Bash terminal opens, enter the command git clone >and enter the “clone with SSH” link that you copied earlier<, and your remote repository should start cloning into your folder.

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Once I cloned my repository, I worked on my website, and then uploaded my repository to my remote repository (which is the GitLab project that you’re looking at right now).

SSH keys

SSH keys are a pair of cryptographic keys used for secure authentication between a user’s local machine and the GitLab server. The public key is added to a user’s GitLab account, enabling secure and convenient access to repositories without the need for passwords during Git operations.

Adding a key to your project:

In order to authenticate yourself and make pushes (or updates) to your webpage, SSH keys are a must. In order to create one, I found this tutorial quite useful.

However, if you’d like to follow along with me, you can follow the steps that I did.

  1. Check if you already have an SSH (which you probably don’t)

    • (open Git Bash, and enter the command cat ~/.ssh/, if a long string of values that starts with “ssh-rsa” is generated, you can skip the next step)
  2. Create your key

    • (enter the command ssh-keygen -t rsa -C >$your_email< , and then follow the instructions that the terminal asks)
  3. Check out your key

    • (enter the command cat ~/.ssh/
  4. Copy your SSH key

    • (this step depends on your OS:
      • Windows: clip < ~/.ssh/** 
      • Mac: pbcopy < ~/.ssh/** 
      • Linux: xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/
  5. Add the key to your account

    • On your Git page, go to your profile> edit profile> SSH keys> add new key and then fill out the information as required

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Website Design

I decided to use the website format that my local instructor used during his Fab Academy time. So, I cloned his repository onto my desktop.

After that, I edited my YAML file on the repository to fit my information. You can see the changes on the file, and everything else is just changing the information. I did all of this on Visual Studio Code.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor which runs on your desktop and is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. It comes with built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and Node.js and has a rich ecosystem of extensions for other languages (such as C++, C#, Python, PHP) and runtimes.

Visual Studio Code

Since the Visual Studio Code website cannot be embedded directly. Please visit the website here.

Download Instructions

  1. Visit the Visual Studio Code website.

  2. Navigate to the downloads section.

  3. Choose the appropriate version for your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux).

  4. Follow the installation instructions provided for your operating system.


Now that you have Visual Studio code downloaded, here’s a basic interface explanation. alt text

Since the template I’m using needs Markdown, I followed this tutorial to better understand markdown, as well as different tips and tricks.

Here’s some of the most basic Markdown commands that I use for my documentation process:

# really big title
## big title
### title

make your words:
***italic bold***

draw a line with ---

link a word with your [word](and then your link)

- For a list

1. For a numbered list

| Table of Contents| Header 1 | Header 2 |
| Row 1 | content | more content |

`for a string of code`

Uploading to the Remote Repository

Once you’ve made some changes to your project, and are ready to upload/push your changed to your remote repository on GitLab, follow these steps:

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  1. open your local repository.

  2. in the location bar at the top of the screen, type in “cmd”, and press enter.

alt text After command prompt opens, I pushed my updates to my remote repository by doing the following:

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  • type in git status

(this command shows you what changes have been made to your local repository, and which of these changes have been tracked)

  • type in add .

(this command ensures that all of the changes that you’ve made to your local repository have been tracked and uploaded)

  • type in git status again

(rerun this command to make sure that your changes have been tracked)

  • type in git commit -m ""

(this command will update the remote repository and give the update a name, so make sure that you give it a name that makes sense.)

  • type in git push

(this command will then push all changes that you’ve committed)

Additional Resources ;)

This website was created using a template provided by Mr. Anith Ghalley and was used with his permission.*

Last update: May 20, 2024