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Invention, Intellectual Property and Income


  • Develop a plan for dissemination of your final project
  • Prepare drafts of your summary slide (presentation.png, 1920x1080) and video clip (presentation.mp4, 1080p HTML5, < ~minute, < ~10 MB) and put them in your website’s root directory

Learning outcomes

  • Develop a plan to share your work
  • Formulate future opportunities and/or development for your final project

Presentation and Video

For this week we were supposed to upload a placeholder for our final presentation video and poster. SO here is my final video and poster:

Click this link to view my final project video.

Dissemination of the Impromtu Speech Selector

Raising Awareness for the Impromptu Speech Selector


Immediate Goal: To boost public speaking skills among students using the Impromptu Speech Selector, a cool device that randomly picks speech topics and speakers, making the process fun and educational.

Message and Importance

Key Message:
Combining modern technology with learning, the Impromptu Speech Selector helps students become better speakers while keeping the experience enjoyable.

Educational Enhancement:
The device adds excitement to classrooms, giving everyone a fair chance to speak and making class interactions more lively and engaging.


Creating Informative Content:
Develop simple guides and videos explaining why public speaking is important and how the Impromptu Speech Selector can make it more fun and effective, showing how it blends tradition with technology.

Using Online and Offline Platforms

Main Message:
As a student, I am excited about improving education through innovation. The Impromptu Speech Selector is designed to help my peers become better public speakers.

Collaboration Opportunities:
Use school connections to involve teachers, students, and alumni in supporting and promoting the project.

Ideas for Promotion:
Share the device on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, creating engaging videos to show its benefits. Work with school newsletters and local educational programs for articles and presentations, ensuring everyone knows about this exciting tool.


By talking to the community and sharing ideas, I hope to make everyone understand and appreciate the Impromptu Speech Selector. This will help make sure the project is well-received and understood by students, teachers, and schools.

Licensing Information

Chosen License:
I have chosen the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license for my Impromptu Speech Selector project. This license allows others to share and adapt my project for non-commercial purposes, which aligns with my current goal of sharing it for educational use without selling it.

License Details:
This project is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Additional Information

For now, there are no plans to sell the Impromptu Speech Selector. The CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license encourages sharing and collaboration while preventing commercial use, supporting my goal of sharing this innovative tool for educational purposes.

Future Plans and Steps

New Features: - Web Server Integration: Adding a web server to control the device remotely. - Mobile App: Creating an app to manage the device and track progress. - User Interface Upgrades: Making the display and controls easier to use.

Steps to Achieve These Goals: - Research: Learn about web servers, app development, and user interface design. - Prototyping: Make small prototypes to test ideas and get feedback. - Collaboration: Work with experts and classmates to improve the device.

By taking these steps, the Impromptu Speech Selector can become an even better tool for helping students improve their public speaking skills.

I used my friend Dawa Nangsel’s documentation as a reference for this week!!! and credit goes to AI for helping me generate appropriate terms!



Last update: June 27, 2024