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Principles and Practices / Project Management

Principles and Practices

Project Management

  • Work through a git tutorial
  • Build a personal website describing you and your final project. Refer to the lecture material for examples.

Learning outcomes

  • Formulate an initial project idea
  • Create ssh key and basic commands to push a file
  • Solve key and pushing problems
  • Research templetes and information for the project and for website development.

As a student who has to attend regular classes and do the course, I realised that I needed to make a timetable and try my best to manage my time.

So to be realistic, I thought of following the supply side time management technique after Professor Neil and Mr. Rico talked about it.


Project Management

Git and SSH Key


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GitLab is a web-based platform for version control and collaboration, facilitating code hosting, CI/CD, and project management for software development teams.

Click to view videos for git tutorials.

Firstly Clone the repository that has been given to you. But how???

- So firstly make a ssh key and add it to your gitlab account

- Then clone the repository with SSH key


Step 1: Generate SSH Key

On Mac:

Open the terminal. Run: ssh-keygen and press Enter. Press Enter for the default file location. Press Enter again for no passphrase.

On Windows (using Git Bash):

Open Git Bash. Run: ssh-keygen and press Enter. Press Enter for the default file location. Press Enter again for no passphrase.


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After that:


If you have made so far then congrats!!! Now:

  • I used an online image blur maker for the image below. Here is how the website for looks:

Copy the code:


Step 2: Add SSH Key to GitLab

Log in to your GitLab account. Navigate to “Settings” in the top right. Select “SSH Keys.” Open the file (located in ~/.ssh/ on Mac or Git Bash). Copy the contents of the file. In GitLab, click “Add Key,” paste the copied key, and provide a title. Click “Add Key” to save.



Step 3: Verify SSH Key

Make sure your secret code is added correctly by looking at the SSH Keys section in GitLab. Go to your account’s settings, pick “SSH Keys,” and press the “Show SSH Key” button next to each key to check and make sure it’s the right one.

Cloning an Existing Repository

  • To clone a repository from GitLab, you can use the command line tool “git.” Follow these steps:

  • Copy the repository URL provided by GitLab. This URL is usually in the format “”.


  • Open a terminal window on your local machine.

  • Navigate to the directory where you want to clone the repository.

  • Run the command “git clone” followed by the repository URL. For example:

“git clone”

Here is how to push a file in gitlab:


CLick here to visit my git

Here are some links for toturials and exploring:

That’s it for Git !!

Making of the website

Since it was ok to use someone else’s template to create muy website, I used my instructor; Anith Ghalley’s repository.

After that I started documenting in markdown through Vscode. Here is how you can download Vscode: Use this link to download Vscode

Here is how you can create a markdown file and edit it


Here are some commands that I used for editing:

- Preview Markdown: Ctrl + Shift + V

- Toggle Bold Text:
Surround selected text with double asterisks (**) for bold: Ctrl + B

- Toggle Italic Text:
Surround selected text with single asterisks (*) for italics: Ctrl + I

- Outline view: ##outline 

- Header: #header

- Images: ![text](link)

- Links : [text](link)


Link: How to create a markdown file and edit it

Principles and Practices

Final Project Idea

Impromptu Selector

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Reason behind choosing this idea

The transition to the Bhutan Baccalaureate system began with the establishment of the Royal Academy under the Druk Gyalpo Institute. As pioneers, we embrace practices like spontaneous speeches in the dining hall. Here, a randomly selected individual draws a topic from a stack and delivers an impromptu speech before mealtime. However, the manual process of printing and cutting creates unnecessary waste. To address this, I propose an impromptu speech generator for my final project. This innovation aims to eliminate waste, enhance efficiency, and align with our commitment to sustainable practices in education.

Description of my project idea

The Impromptu Speech Selector with Online Topic Submission integrates Arduino and a Python-powered website for an interactive public speaking experience. Teachers submit speech topics through a secure online platform, and an Arduino system randomly selects students to deliver impromptu speeches, displaying details on an LCD screen. Speeches are recorded and stored on an SD card, allowing teachers to provide feedback through approval or disapproval buttons. Approved speeches are marked, temporarily excluding students from further selections. The project aims to streamline impromptu speech management, providing a user-friendly platform for teachers and fostering an inclusive, skill-building environment for students.


  • The project requires an Arduino board for physical interaction.
  • MAX4466 Electret Microphone for speech capture, and a Mini Oval Speaker for playback.
  • An SD Card Module records and stores speeches, and buttons trigger functions like grade selection and feedback.
  • An LCD screen displays selected students. On the software side, a Python backend, using Flask or Django, manages online topic submission, with a database storing submitted topics.

Overall, the system seamlessly combines hardware components and a web interface, promoting interactive impromptu speech sessions and enhancing public speaking skills.

This website template was used from Mr. Anith Ghalley with his permission.

Have A Good Day!

Last update: January 30, 2024