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19. Project Development

The goal of this week was to discuss what remains to accomplish at the time of the documentation of this week. Currently, final exams are coming up, so it has been difficult to work on the project that much.


What Tasks Have Been Completed?

The main tasks that have been completed are the electronic ones. Everything with networking and interfacing is working, and all that is needed is to assemble everything and make sure that it all functions properly. There has also been significant work in drafting the helmet, but seeing how things are going with it, I may need to redesign a large amount of it.

What Tasks Remain?

As previously stated, the outer portion of the helmet still needs effort and redesign. Additionally, the goggles still need to be created to go with the helmet. Finally, the system integration to be thought out some more.

What Has Worked? What Hasn’t?

The electronics, being the main thing that I have worked on up until this point, are working quite well, although they do still need to be integrated into the helmet. The current design for my helmet does not seem to be working, so it will need a fair bit of change.

What Questions Need To Be Resolved?

The main questions I have relate to how the helmet will fit onto me. Should I use padding or will the 3D material just rest? Should I have a strap or could it balance on my head?

What Will Happen When?

I’m not fully sure what this question is asking, but as a general plan, I hope to focus my efforts greatly on the 3D and Laser Cutting portion of the project during the first week of the final stretch, as that will leave me with only needing to assemble everything.

What Have You Learned?

I have learned that it is much easier to regularly put in effort - or even just some consideration - to the project over the course of the year, rather than cramming everything to do with it into a short time frame. For myself, I lacked awareness on the time required to create the 3D portion, as it has proven to be very time consuming throughout the program.