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18. Invention, Intellectual Property and Income

Dissemination Plan

I used Copilot to help me create an outline for my points

This is an outline for the future of my project the Tred Deck, a tredmill for the teck deck/other fingerboards that allows you to switch out features for different ‘parks.’

Purpose, Audience, and Message

There are multiple ways to utilize the tred deck, the mains ones that I would pose to audiences is as a way to practice and challenge your tech deck skills as a social outlet.

To raise awareness, I would like to bring the project to skateparks (some people who fingerboard also skateboard). This would allow me to raise awareness of the project while also being able to analyze the feedback from showing it off.

The main part that I would promote would be the changing track. Having people showing off their own courses and allowing other people can try could help it form a community; having a website for this stuff would be intresting aspect.

Methods, Timing, and Evaluation

I would like to get media attention through popular fingerboard professionals / creators to help spread the word online. I would also like to set up the website I was talking about for my project and have people preregister during the Pre-Launch stage of the project.

On launch, the users would be allow to post and find tracks, and I would have creators and professionals do demonstrations.

Post-Launch would be focused on making new features for the Tred Deck for more creativity and have updates to the website for things such as following and liking to find popular tracks and creators. Other changes would be made as we see the feedback from our audience.

Things to Work Out

My main issue is income. I can’t see myself selling the project for anything too pricey, or else it would be harder for more people to get their hands on it. I could make the features sold seperately for more income but I don’t think it’s the way to go about it. More research into the income of the project would need to be worked out.

Prototype Slide and Video

Here is the prototype of my slide

I don’t have anything ready for the video yet, but as instructed I uploaded a small video to my repo as a placeholder to make sure I understood how to upload my video correctly.

Last update: June 26, 2024