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16. Applications and Implications

What will it do?

My project is designed for the techdeck, a finger skateboard in which you can perform small scale tricks. You have to either move your hand or move with the board to play with it. My project intends to create a tredmill for the techdeck with modifiable features so that you don’t have to move your hand forward or backwards to play with it.

Who has done what beforehand?

The idea is based around the shredmill by Giovanny Mendez. His idea seems to incooperate rollerchains for the tredmill. I intend to incooperate a tred similar to Hideo Oguri’s Final Project instead of my original idea of using a roller chain as instructed by Neil.

What will I design

I will design the shell / base for everything, the tred will be the same as Hideo Oguri but it will be designed for a DC motor instead of a servo motor because I will need a little more power to move some of the features. The PCB will be designed around and Attiny412 because the entire project isn’t code heavy and really only requires three pins (two for controlling motor and one for reading a button). I’m planning on making a case for it and a motor mount along with a vinyl sticker for looks.

Some Work I’ve Done


Parts and Systems to be Made

  • Milled Wood Parts for Shell
  • Tred
  • Features (Jumps, Rails, etc.)
  • Axles and Wheels
  • PCB
  • Vinyl Sticker
  • Motor Mount

What Processes Will be Used?

  • CAD
  • CNC
  • Electronics Design
  • Electronics Production
  • 3D Pritning
  • Embedded Programming

What Question need to be answered?

I still need to figure out what axle I will use for my tred system.

Last update: June 26, 2024