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18. Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income

Dissemination plan

Because my project is not based in any specific field of interest or category, I would likely want to distribute it to places such as board game stores or other locations that retail a variety of fun activities. For actual production, I would certainly want to optimally condense it first, as well as make it look nicer either with nicer wood, polishing the wood, or coating it with resin or paint.

In terms of licensing, I would certainly want to go with a Creative Commons license so as to leave the project open source, because this would allow anybody to expand on the project and would leave it a lot more oppurtunity to expand its audience.


I don’t see myself manufacturing and selling a product such as this, as it itself is nothing innovative enough to catch the public’s eye. However, if I expanded the capabilities of project such as including an AI that would draw images in the sand based off of user input as I originally wanted, I could see myself selling these either as individual modules, or integrated into furniture such as a coffee table.

Placeholder slide and video

As instructed, I added a blank .png file and .mp4 file to the docs folder in my directory for where my final presentation slide and video will go.

Last update: June 28, 2024