Week 18 - Invention, Intellectual Property and Income

Dissemination Plan

I plan to use the MIT license because I think this project is super cool and many other people should join in on the fun journey I am embarking upon.

Future Possibilities

I do not have plan's for patens or product manufacturing of this design but I am intrusted in improving my design to shoot farther, record using bluetooth to my phone, and even maybe swivel in the future.

One idea I have for increasing the throwing distance of the launcher is to re-design my entire launcher to fit a frisbee sized wheel. The reason this would make the disk go farther is due to how the disk and the wheel act as gears. If my current wheel does one rotation, the frisbee only does 1/3 rotation. Then, when that is converted to distance using the circumference 2rpi, we can see that the for every one rotation of my small powered wheel, the frisbee only gets 120 degrees of rotation causing only 1/3 of the circumference in forward movement.