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18. Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income


  • Develop a plan for dissemination of your final project

  • Outline future possibilities and describe how to make them probabilities

  • Prepare drafts of your summary slide (presentation.png, 1920x1080) and video clip (presentation.mp4, 1080p HTML5, < ~minute, < ~10 MB) and put them in your website’s root directory

Slide and Video Draft

Instead of waiting to upload my slide and video when they were finished, I went ahead and uploaded a placeholder slide and video so that I could ensure I knew how to properly upload them and thus avoid unnecessary issues later on.

This was my placeholder slide:

This was my placeholder video:

To upload these to my root directory and thus my site, I went to my fab academy repository file > docs and then uploaded the video and slide in that docs file under the name “presentation.png” for the slide and “presentation.mp4” for the video. The slide, as per the requirements, was size 1920x1080 and, similarly, the video was 1080p HTML5, less than ~minute in length, and less than ~10 MB in size.

Note the less than 10 MB is very important to pay attention to with the video as, with my site and Visual Studio Code, the maximum upload size is 10 MB. If this amount is exceeded it is very easy to encounter problems regarding such a push and how to fix them.

My Final Project: The Smart Medicine Box


To disseminate and promote my final project, I plan to…

  1. Present to Neil

  2. Have well documented, clear to follow documentation of the creation of The Smart Medicine Box on my Fab Academy site

  3. Promote my work and final project on my Instagram and Linkedin

  4. Talk to my connections for advice on my project and tell them about it currently

And more!

Future Plans

For the future of my final project, The Smart Medicine Box, I have many hopes for its future. A short list of some of the things I liked to explore and accomplish include:

  1. Improve the design

    1. Either improve the performance of the current sensor (I realized the day before final project presentations that, in addition to recording when the door is opened, it also records the door as “being opened” when you put your hand in and out of the box to grab items inside of it)

    2. Or change the sensor to a more practical and affordable alternative (i.e. Not a distance sensor), currently I’m thinking of exploring a hall sensor or something of that sort

  2. File a patent

    1. I am currently working on filing a provisional patent (with the help of my grandfather who has patents of his own) before filing for a full patent
  3. Improve its utilitarianism

  4. Market it to a targeted audience

    1. Such as college students or dementia patients
  5. Conduct research on its use in real life situations

    1. I have many friends currently in college and will be there myself soon – I could use these connections to help see the functionality of my product in daily life.

    2. My Grandmother works with dementia patients and could also help me explore its practical use with a more finished version of the product

Last update: June 18, 2024