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14. Networking and communications - Evan Park and Colin Kanofsky

The tools for ui development this week were Node-Red Dashboard and Processing


Node-Red is a JavaScript, blocked based visual programming tool that is commonly used for connecting two devices together. It is simple and easy for beginners to learn. Although one is limited to the amount of ‘blocks’ they have, one can install plugins to increase the blocks and utilize Node-Red for other purposes such as UI creation with the Node-Red Dashboard Node-Red can easily communicate with other devices utilizing it’s variety of protocols such as HTTP, WebSockets, and MQTT.


Processing is a simplified Java based programming environment that uses text to create interactive applications or visual art. It is very flexible and diverse, allowing the user to morph the ‘canvas’ to their liking. It also has built in libraries for Serial communication, HTTP, and WebSockets for communication.


UI Creation

Processing gives the user complete control over the UI compared to Node-Red where one is limited to the blocks they have. Although, Node-Red can be useful in throwing together UI and applications quick.

Programming Interfaces

Node-Red is a low-code environment for JavaScript while Processing is a text based environment for Java. If the user prefers a low-code environment then Node-Red is better for them and if the user prefers a text based environment then Processing is better for them.


Both have built in libraries for HTTP and WebSockets and both allow you to download plugins opening up the options for other types of communication.

Last update: May 29, 2024