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9. Output Devices - Collin and Alana

This is the group documentation for Alana Duffy & Collin Kanofsky

The assignment for this week was to measure the power consumption of an output device.

Voltage and Current Used

The voltage usage varied as the servo turned until it hit a low or high point and turned around.

We also had to measure current, the current I got was around 0.12 Amps and it did fluctuate a bit. We got some advise from richard shan in getting this value.

How much power was Used

To calculate the power we used the formula P=VI

  • P is power

  • V is voltage

  • I is current

The current value we got was ~0.12 Amps and we used a 3.3 volt power supply. Plugging the values into the equation we got:

P=(3.3)(0.12)= 0.396 watts

This was a fairly expectable value as group A got 0.5W at their value. Because we used a servo, a moving component, it’s likely that it would a decent amount of power.

Last update: May 4, 2024