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Week10. Mid Term Review

1. Show progress in documenting the assignments:

Support from daily assignment to final project.

My final project includes the following parts:

1/Structural parts for fixing the stepper motor (3D printing); week05 Alt text Alt text

2/Bottom wooden board, and side panels (laser cutting machine); week03 Alt text

3/Surface acrylic panel (laser cutting machine) week03 Alt text

4/PCB board. final page week08

5/Programming week06 week11 week13

2. Show progress on your final project idea/s and planning

Why I made this project

When you stare at the hour hand on a clock, it seems to move incredibly slowly, like time is inching along… really slowly. But if you take a glance at the second hand, doesn’t it feel like time is actually speeding by – and fast? I created this piece to encourage everyone to think about how we experience time. Depending on the angle we choose to look at it, time can affect us in different ways.

I hope people can come to appreciate that time is incredibly valuable and it always slips away before we know it. We should treasure every moment we have and live life to the fullest.


Based on the concept of the project, I developed the following execution plan:

Step Description Status
1 Requirements and Planning Completed
2 Material Procurement Completed
3 Circuit and Mechanical Design In Progressd
4 Software Development and Testing In Progressd
5 Structural component production (including CNC cutting, laser cutting and 3D printing) In Progressd
6 Hardware Assembly and Debugging In Progressd
7 Make a video and PPT to introduce my project In Progressd

3. Made a schedule for remaining tasks

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