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Week9. Mechanical design, machine design

Group assignment - design a machine that includes mechanism+actuation+automation+application - build the mechanical parts and operate it manually - document the group project and your individual contribution

Group assignment can be viewed at this link: - week9 Group assignment

This week requires a team to complete a machine design. The assignment only talks about team assignments, and there is no personal part.

In fact, everyone will have a personal responsibility when making this machine. Let me talk about my work this week. What did you do for your homework? It can be divided into the following parts:

  1. Take photos and records;
  2. PCB milling part(assistant);
  3. 3D printing part

1. Recording process

A. Project source

We found out that what we are working on this time is a very popular open source project on the Internet. This is the effect achieved by others:

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and this is the effect achieved by us:

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B. Mechanical design and production

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C. Mechanical design and production

The 3D printing of this part is my main responsibility in this project. I will ensure that each part can be accurately manufactured and successfully assembled with other parts.

First, I found the print files of all the open source parts of this project from the GitHub repository.

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here is the file source:


Gcode For Bambu

here is the machine we use - Bamboo A1 Mini: Alt text Because I have not used this device before, my colleagues said that the performance of this device will be better, so I chose this device this time. First, I went to the official website of bambulab to download bambulab studio (slicing software)


download and install:

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Set parameters and use materials. Here you can select as many materials as possible for future use.

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Then drag the file into the software and the parts that need to be printed will be displayed directly. Alt text

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Click button to slice

Alt text Then you can choose to print using the SD card or directly connect to the printer. Here I have chosen to print using the SD card.

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It also displays the printing time and approximate weight of the finished product in a very user-friendly way.

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The other parts were printed one by one according to the same operating process.

This is the finished product we printed:

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Then chenxin started to do the assembly work Alt text Alt text Alt text done Alt text

D. Programming and testing

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E. Electronic design and production

Schematic design

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PCB board design

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Output gerber file conver to PNG

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Convert PNG to Gcode

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Next, start soldering the PCB board

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F. Software design and debugging

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G. System integration and debugging

This is the final effect demonstration

What learned:

  1. Learned how to use a new 3D printer and summarized the basic operation process of 3D printing: modeling-slicing-generating Gcode-sending to the printing device-preheating the printer-starting printing;
  2. The division of labor in the project needs to be clear, so that the progress of the entire project can be controlled. In this way, because everyone did not make a clear division of labor in the early and middle stages, there was some duplication of work. It was only in the middle of the project that we began to make clear divisions of labor. Divide the work, claim the work, and the subsequent operations will be smoother;
  3. There are really many accessories in this project, which makes me realize how difficult it is for the original author. In future project production, I must also learn this rigorous attitude and carefully document the bill of materials.