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10. Mid Term Review

This week I worked on defining system diagram for my final project, and make a list the tasks to be completed, making a schedule for doing them, and also talked with my local instructor to review these assignments.

Here is a draft of my final project system diagram. Over these weeks of assignments, I have developed a clear idea about my final project’s working system. With the PCB milled and components prepared, these parts are the most challenging ones I have encountered so far. In the next stage, I will focus on defining the appearance outline, wiring mode, communication, and interface of my project.

System Diagram of Final Project

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Idea final project and planning

For potential / idea appearance outline, I was inspired by this video.

The tool is really helpful.

3D printed lithophanes

itslitho Free online designing software that helps you create high-quality 3D printed lithophanes. It’s a simple yet powerful cross-platform lithophane maker.

Following the steps in the video, I made my first 3D printed lithophanes trial - An astronaurt lampshade. it’s so lovely, and I am thinking of how to apply to my final project. alt text

For Wifi & Interface

For Remotely Control and User Interface, I am not sure about the technology implementation yet. As a result, I searched for many examples, and ideas as follows: - For Wifi part: may use MQTT; - For User Interface: VUE or HTML/CSS.

Here is the video brought me with these thougts.

Progress in Documenting the assignments:

(Following Progress marked down by Week 10)
- Principles and pratices
- Done.
- Project management
- Ongoing.
- Computer-aided Design
- Ongoing.
- ImageMagick Doucuments remained to read.
- Difference from CMD and Windows Powershell remained to be clarified
- Computer-controlled cutting
- Ongoing
- Viny cutter (Ongoing)
- Electronices production
- Done
- Computer-controlled machining
- Ongoing
- Embedded programming
- Ongoing
- Output Devices
- Ongoing
- Mechanical design & Machine Desing
- Ongoing

A Schedule for Remaining Tasks:

Recorded by April 8th:

  • Define the appearance/outline for the final project (maximum of 2 weeks)
  • Figure out WiFi implementation and do some trials (1 week)
  • Test the LED strip, clarify its function/flashing model, code implementation, etc. (1 week)
  • Test the DHT11 sensor, try data visualization (1 week)
  • Assemble all system parts, preliminary finalization of the final project (1 week)
  • Improve past tasks while completing new assignments (1-2 weeks)