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17. Invention, intellectual property and income

This week I worked on defining my final project idea and started to getting used to the documentation process.

Individual assignment:
- [x]Develop a plan for dissemination of your final project.
- [x]Prepare drafts of your summary slide (presentation.png, 1920x1080) and video clip (presentation.mp4, 1080p HTML5, < ~minute, < ~10 MB) and put them in your website’s root directory.
- [x]Uploaded a draft summary slide and video.

When I saw so many complicated and different licenses, I was actually a little flustered and at a loss. Because before, I only knew about open-source, so when I opened and saw so many different licenses, I was even more confused.
In order to let me understand the differences between different licenses more quickly and make a good choice for me, I used chatGPT to help me list the simple introduction and differences of these licenses, as follows.

1. Open-Source vs. Free

  • Open-Source: Refers to software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open-source licenses can have various degrees of permissiveness.
  • Free (as in Free Software): Often refers to software that is both free to use and modify, as well as free from restrictions on distribution. The Free Software Foundation defines free software based on the four essential freedoms (to run, study, redistribute, and improve the software).

2. Creative Commons

  • Creative Commons (CC): A suite of licenses that allow creators to communicate which rights they reserve and which rights they waive for the benefit of recipients or other creators. Common licenses include:
    • CC BY: Attribution
    • CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
    • CC BY-ND: Attribution-NoDerivs
    • CC BY-NC: Attribution-NonCommercial
    • CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
    • CC BY-NC-ND: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs

3. GPL (GNU General Public License)

  • GPL: A copyleft license that requires anyone who distributes the software, or a derivative work, to make the source code available under the same license. It ensures that end users can freely run, study, share, and modify the software.

4. LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)

  • LGPL: Similar to the GPL but with a more permissive approach for libraries. It allows developers to link to the LGPL libraries without applying the same license to their own proprietary software.

5. BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)

  • BSD: A family of permissive licenses with fewer restrictions compared to the GPL. Key variations include:
  • Original BSD License: Also known as the “4-clause” BSD license, includes an advertising clause.
  • Modified BSD License: Also known as the “3-clause” BSD license, removes the advertising clause.
  • Simplified BSD License: Also known as the “2-clause” BSD license, removes both the advertising and non-endorsement clauses.

6. MIT/X11

  • MIT License: A permissive license with minimal requirements about how the software can be redistributed. It allows for software to be freely used, modified, and distributed under a permissive license.
  • X11 License: Essentially the same as the MIT License, used primarily for the X Window System.

7. Apache License

  • Apache License 2.0: A permissive license similar to the MIT License but with more explicit grant of patent rights from contributors to users. It also includes terms to prevent contributions being used in a way that results in legal action against the contributors.

8. FAB License

  • FAB: This might refer to the Fabrication (Fab) License, typically associated with digital fabrication and physical objects. Details on this license can vary, but it generally aims to facilitate sharing and collaboration in the maker community.

Summary of Key Differences:

  • Copyleft vs. Permissive: GPL and LGPL enforce copyleft, requiring derived works to be open-sourced under the same license. BSD, MIT, and Apache are permissive, allowing more freedom in how the software is used and redistributed.
  • Patent Rights: Apache License explicitly grants patent rights, whereas MIT and BSD do not address patents.
  • Creative Commons: Designed for creative works, offering a variety of licensing options for different levels of sharing and reuse.
  • Commercial Use: Permissive licenses like MIT, BSD, and Apache allow for commercial use without much restriction, whereas Creative Commons licenses may have specific versions (like CC BY-NC) that restrict commercial use.

Finally i chosse the is my project license. Because i want all my documents should under noncommercial license.
CC BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial): Allows others to remix, adapt, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.

Declaration of my license.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Creative Commons License

Project Overview

1. People Fall Detector

Thirdly,for another function, I hope that during the day, when the entire device is turned on, the movement status of indoor people can be detected through the mmwave sensor in the middle, as an anti-fall monitoring function. Image

2. Remote Alarm Message

Finally, the device can send the monitoring results to the cloud or mobile phone to remind people to monitor whether the elderly at home have fallen. Image

Timeline and Milestones

Phase Week Dates Tasks Milestones
Planning and Ideas Week 1 May 6 - May 12 - Define project objectives
- Gather all necessary components
- Install and configure the Arduino IDE
- Research and choose the appropriate materials
May 10: Complete initial preparation
Mechanical Design Week 2 May 12 - May 19 - Prototype the 2D/3D design
- Debug and optimize the 2D & 3D design
- Assemble the mechanical parts
May 17: Finalize the mechanical parts
Electronic Design Week 3 May 19 - May 26 - Develop schematic design & PCB design
- Manufacture the PCB boards
- Test and debug the PCB boards
May 23: Solve the PCB problems
Software Design Week 4 May 26 - June 2 - Develop the sensor
- Debug and refine code for MQTT publish
- Optimize performance and power consumption
June 1: Fully tested and debugged system
Finalization Week 5 June 2 - June 6 - Finalize the function (software & hardware)
- Organize the materials (videos & photos)
- Prepare for final presentation and documents
June 6: Project finalized and ready for presentation

After the final project presentation, I will need to use two weeks to make the weekly assignment which i didnt finished before.

Outlined future possibilities and described how to make them probalilities.

Nowadays, mmwave is used more in some household appliances to replace the previous PIR sensors. Because of its more efficient monitoring efficiency, with the lower and lower cost, it will become an essential artifact for smart homes.
1. As a human fall detection device, mmwave sensors provide a new option for home intelligent care systems for the lonely elderly in today’s society. The low cost and simple deployment make it easier for people to accept.
2. As the sensor itself, unlike the camera, it protects family privacy very well. Therefore, if customers can customize a local area network to connect to the sensor, everyone can use the smart home to a great extent.
3. The scalability of the solution is relatively strong. Seeed XIAOESP32 itself can be connected to the mature smart home system of the home assistant solution, providing more customers with mature choices and faster deployment in the home.

Dissemination of my final project

For the final project, I prefer to record the entire production process through a one-minute video.
First of all, I sorted the previous production process and collected and sorted the video materials in order. Since some content in the design stage did not have videos, I used computer screen recording to display the details of the design plan one by one, and followed Arrange them in order.
When I got the sorted videos, I put the video clips into the video editor one by one in order, and chose a lighter music. Since this music was not free, I downloaded similar music from the Internet.
Here is the website for free downloading music.
Then I adjust the display duration of the video according to the rhythm of the music, and control it within 1 minute.
At the end, I edited the subtitles to describe the content of each clip, then selected the transition method for each clip and exported a final video.
Finally, I want to say that this is actually my first time making a video, and I am very satisfied with my video work.

Slide of my final project

Video of my final project