Week 10. Mechanical Design, Machine Design¶
Group Assignment:¶
- Design a machine that includes mechanism + actuation + automation + application.
- Build the mechanical parts and operate it manually.
- Actuate and automate your machine
- Document the group project.
Individual Assignment:¶
- Document your individual contribution.
Disclaimer: All the Assignments and Documentations are done and written by me, however after writing it myself, some I pass it through chatGPT to fix my language and grammar.
Individual Contribution¶
Despite my limited background in programming, I actively contributed to our machine building week assignment by taking on various responsibilities:
- I participated in designing specific components of the machine.
- I was involved in the fabrication and assembly process, ensuring that our project came together effectively.
- Along the journey, I seized the opportunity to learn basic JavaScript, enhancing my skill set to better support the team.
- Additionally, I played a role in documenting our group assignment on the group assignment page, ensuring that our progress was well-documented and accessible from the website.
Given that we don’t have distinct individual assignment for documentation, I have included the group assignment documents on this page as well.
- During our discussions, we chose to build a machine that does many things by incorporating various suggestions. We settled on the Modular Things Core XY mechanism machine.
image from this source
- During our deliberations, we opted to take inspiration for our design from Anet Evolution model.
- We also design certain components such as the tool holder to better suit our needs and also upon inventorying the necessary parts, we realized that some adjustments were required, particularly for parts that holds bearing like pulleys. In addition to the modifications, we also drew inspiration from the MPCNC Tangential Knife design files to further enhance the functionality of our machine.
this image is from Anet Evolution
Manufacturing & Assembling¶
- The machine requires several components including guide rails, shafts, bearings, pulleys, stepper motors, threaded rods, screws&bolts, a bed, belts, PLA or PETG filament, a pen, blades, and so on.
- To kickstart the project, we began by downloading the necessary STL files of the Anet Evolution and used Prusa Slicer to 3D print all the necessary parts.
- Additionally, we utilized a laser cutter to create the bed.
- Then, we proceeded to assemble the parts using guide rails, rods, screws, and various other components. We carefully fitted the printed parts together, ensuring everything aligned correctly. By securing the frame with rods and fastening it with screws, we established a sturdy structure. Each component was meticulously attached to its designated place, creating a cohesive unit.
- Through this meticulous assembly process, we ensured that the machine was robust and ready for further refinement and customization.
- These are tool holders designed to accommodate various types of tools.
Electronics & Programming¶
- We incorporated the same electronics from the FAB23 Bhutan workshop on Modular Axis: How to Build Minimal Cost Machines for Education by Quentin Bolsée. During this workshop, participants learned about building machines and modular electronics by creating a low-cost motion system. By using these electronics, we ensured that our machine was equipped with reliable and cost-effective components.
- For programming, we relied on the codes provided by Yuichi Tamiya as our main reference. Additionally, we integrated the OSAP for Arduino Library and the Stepper moduler for Xiao into our system. These resources helped us streamline the programming process and ensure compatibility with our machine’s electronics.
// UI in View tab
const el = document.createElement("div");
el.style = `
padding: 10px;
el.innerHTML = `
<h2><font color="#5B9BAF">FabAcademy2024</font></h2>
<h3><font color="#5B9BAF">Machine Building</font></h3>
<font color="#5B9BAF">Modular Things Core XY ALL-IN-ONE </font>
<td><button id="yPlus"> Y+ </button></td>
<td> </td><!-- space in 3rd column-->
<td><button id="zUp"> Z+ </button></td>
<td><button id="xMinus"> X- </button></td>
<td><button id="xPlus"> X+ </button></td>
<td><button id="yMinus"> Y- </button></td>
<td><button id="zDown"> Z- </button></td>
<td><button id="CW"> BladeCW </button></td>
<td><button id="ACW"> BladeACW </button></td>
<button id="Home" style="background-color:pink;"> Home</button>
<button id="DrawStar"> DrawStar</button>
<button id="Draw/cut"> Draw</button>
<button id="Test"> Test</button>
Open browser’s DevTools console with<br>
cmd + shift + j (Linux)<br>
ctrl + shift + j (win)<br>
command + option + j (mac)
//pen up initially
//test button
.addEventListener("click", () => {
function test() {
machine.setPosition([0, 0]);
goTo(10, 10);
//Synchronizer of two motors
const machine = createSynchronizer([motorA, motorB]);
//Definition of CoreXY Motion
async function goTo(x, y) {
console.log(`Moving to (${x}, ${y})`);
await machine.absolute([-1 * (x + y), -1 * (x - y)]); // The reason why "-1" is multiplied may be due to the wiring and origin position.
// Set button ID and click_event
.addEventListener("click", () => {
.addEventListener("click", () => {
.addEventListener("click", () => {
.addEventListener("click", () => {
.addEventListener("click", () => {
.addEventListener("click", () => {
.addEventListener("click", () => {
.addEventListener("click", () => {
.addEventListener("click", () => {
.addEventListener("click", () => {
.addEventListener("click", () => {
// When you start running this javascript code, the machine runs from here
//motor setting
machine.setPosition([0, 0]);// set present position as (X0,Y0)
//machine.setPosition(0, 0);
// Function definition
async function goToHome() {
while (await motorB.getLimitState()) { // Limit switch at X- as Normally-Open
motorA.velocity(10);//move motorA CW
motorB.velocity(10); //move motorB CW
while (await motorA.getLimitState()) { // Limit switch at Y- as Normally-Open
motorA.velocity(10); //positive value means CW
motorB.velocity(-10);//negative value means CCW
machine.setPosition([0, 0]);
await delay(1000);
goTo(10, 10);
machine.setPosition([0, 0]);
await delay(1000);
}//end of goToHome
// Function to move the blade clockwise
async function moveBladeClockwise() {
//Implement the logic to move the blade in the clockwise direction
await bladeMotor.relative(20); // Move the blade 10 steps clockwise
// Function to move the blade counterclockwise
async function moveBladeCounterclockwise() {
// Implement the logic to move the blade in the counterclockwise direction
await bladeMotor.relative(-20); // Move the blade 10 steps counterclockwise
let currentX = await motorA.getState();
let currentY = await motorB.getState();
// Function to move the blade
async function moveBlade(targetX, targetY) {
// Calculate the direction to move the blade based on the current position and the target coordinate
//let [currentX, currentY] = await getMotionState()
// Calculate the direction to move the blade based on the current position and the target coordinate
const deltaX = targetX - currentX; // Calculate the change in x-coordinate
const deltaY = targetY - currentY; // Calculate the change in y-coordinate
const stepsPerRadian = 180 / (2 * Math.PI);/// still need to calculate the angle here.
// Calculate the angle to move the blade
const angle = Math.atan2(deltaY, deltaX); // Calculate the angle between the current position and the target coordinate
// Convert the angle to steps for the stepper motor
const steps = Math.round(angle * stepsPerRadian); // Assuming stepsPerRadian is a constant representing steps per radian
///ashim you have to call the function which controls the angle for the servo motor
// Move the blade to the calculated angle
await bladeMotor.relative(steps);
// Update the current position of the blade
currentX = targetX;
currentY = targetY;
function xPlus() {
machine.setPosition([0, 0]);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
goTo(i, 0);
function xMinus() {
machine.setPosition([0, 0]);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
goTo(-i, 0);
function yPlus() {
machine.setPosition([0, 0]);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
goTo(0, i);
function yMinus() {
machine.setPosition([0, 0]);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
goTo(0, -i);
function zUp() {
// Code for the function goes here
function zDown() {
async function drawStar() {
for (let i = 0; i < ptsStar.length; i++) {
//to cut a square with the blade.
//await moveBlade(ptsStar[i][0], ptsStar[i][1]);
//await delay(1000);
await goTo(ptsStar[i][0], ptsStar[i][1]);
await delay(1000);
async function draw() {
for (let i = 0; i <pts; i++) {
await goTo(pts[i][0], pts[0][i]);
await delay(200);
// Array of [x,y] positions of drawing desin
//var ptsSquare = [[10,0],[10,10],[0,10],[0,0]]; //doesnot work
var ptsStar = [[20, 10], [30, 50], [40, 10], [10, 40], [50, 40], [20, 10]];
//var pts= [
// [10, 0],
// [5, 8.66],
// [-5, 8.66],
// [-10, 0],
// [-5, -8.66],
// [5, -8.66],
// [10, 0]
// //];
// Original Pikachu coordinates
// var pts = [
// [0, 10], [5, 10], [7, 15], [10, 20], [15, 20], [20, 15], [25, 10], [30, 10], // Top of the head
// [30, 0], [20, 0], [20, -10], [10, -10], [10, 0], [0, 0], // Face and cheeks
// [0, -5], [2, -10], [5, -15], [10, -17], [15, -15], [18, -10], [20, -5], // Body outline
// [15, -5], [13, -8], [10, -6], [7, -8], [5, -5] // Facial features
// ];
// Scaling factor for 50 by 50 cm size
const scaleFactor = 10; // 1 cm = 10 mm
// Scaled Pikachu coordinates
var scaledPikachuCoordinates = pikachuCoordinates.map(coord => [coord[0] * scaleFactor, coord[1] * scaleFactor]);
// Output the scaled coordinates
//SVG -> ChatGPT -> vertex coordinates of the shape//This is NOT tested yet
var polygon1 = [[10, 10], [10, 20], [20, 20], [20, 10], [10, 10]];
var polygon2 = [[30, 30], [30, 40], [40, 40], [40, 30], [30, 30]];
async function drawPolugon() {
machine.setPosition([0, 0]);// set present position as (X0,Y0)
//about polygon1
await goTo(polygon1[0][0], polygon1[0][1]);//move to first position of polygon1
for (let i = 1; i < polygon1.length; i++) {
await goTo(polygon1[i][0], polygon1[i][1]);//finish drawing polygon1
await delay(200);
//about polygon2
await goTo(polygon2[0][0], polygon2[0][1]);//move to first position of polygon2
for (let i = 1; i < polygon2.length; i++) {
await goTo(polygon1[i][0], polygon1[i][1]);//finish drawing polygon2
await delay(200);
//finished drawing all polygons
goTo(0, 0);//move back to (X0,Y0)
To gain a deeper understanding of Modular Thing, please refer to this link.
This is Test Video on both manual and automated.
This Week was a great experience for me as it was my first time working on machine building. I was working on designing and modification of some machine parts and also work on fabrication and assembly. Later on, if we have more time we would prioritize on making machine more sturdier and tool holder more stronger.