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Week 8. Electronics Design

Group assignment:

Use the test equipment in your lab to observe the operation of a microcontroller circuit board (as a minimum, you should demonstrate the use of a multimeter and oscilloscope)


Oscilloscope is a device used for testing and displaying voltage signals as waveforms, visual representations of the variation of voltage over time, which is frequency.

Our lab is equiped with GDS-12028 oscilloscope which has 200MH dual channel, cursor indicator, digital voltage meter and data logging, etc. This scope also supports I2C/SPI/UART/CAN/LIN serial bus trigger and decoding functions. Zero Key function for horizontal time, vertical voltage and triggering

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We tried measuring Pulse Width Modulation using quentorres board. For this we created a simlpe circuit with a variable potentiometer as instructed by in the example code in arduino.

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Using the Probs connected to the channel 1 of the Oscilloscope, which was connected to the led pins, we observed the changes in wavelength with change in resistance in oscilloscope.

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We both knew how to use the portable digital multimeter so we tried using other multimeter we had. It was not that different to using a portable multimeter.

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Voltage testing:

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Testing the value of Capicitor.

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Testing Resistor

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