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About the Lab

Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck Super Fab Lab is located in Thimphu, Bhutan and was the third Super Fab Lab in the World! The Lab was graciously inaugurated by HRH Gyalsey Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck for his first official duty.

The lab was inaugurated on June 4th, 2022


FabAcademy 2024

This is the Lab’s second year running the Fabacademy cycle and we have two students this year:

Tshering Wangzom Website & GIT

Sangay Dorji Website & GIT

Instructors: Thinley Dorji Wangchuk (FA2023) & Yeshey Wangmo Lepcha (FA2023)

Guru: Rico Kanthatham from Skylabworkshop

Fabacademy 2023 Graduates (Former students)

  1. Karma Lhakee Website

  2. Rinchen Dorji Website

  3. Thinley Dorji Wangchuk Website

  4. Tempa Dorji Website

  5. Ugyen Lhamo Website

  6. Yeshey Wangmo Lepcha Website

Instructor: Zina Choden Yonten (FA2022)

Guru: Rico Kanthatham from Skylabworkshop