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Electronic Production

How it works


PCB house

After completing the design stage of the PCB,We need to choosed PCBway For beginners and hobbyists, as PCB board houses in the market.

PCB requirements can range from the single-layer hobby of do-it-yourself projects to professional PCBs for high-end electronics.


XIAO ESP32 vs XIAO RP2040 Comparison

Here’s a simple comparison between the XIAO ESP32 and XIAO RP2040 boards, highlighting their features, advantages, and benefits.

Features Comparison

Feature XIAO ESP32 XIAO RP2040
Microcontroller ESP32 RP2040 by Raspberry Pi
Wireless Connectivity Wi-Fi and Bluetooth None
CPU Dual-core up to 240 MHz Dual-core Arm Cortex M0+ up to 133 MHz
Memory 520 KB SRAM, 16 MB Flash 264 KB SRAM, 2 MB onboard Flash (expandable via microSD)
I/O Pins 11 11
Analog Pins 11 4
Digital Communication I2C, SPI, UART I2C, SPI, UART
Power Consumption Higher due to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Lower, more energy-efficient without wireless features



  1. Wireless Connectivity: Enables internet and Bluetooth connections for smart projects.
  2. Powerful CPU : Handles complex or multiple tasks efficiently.
  3. More Memory: Offers more space for larger projects.


  1. Efficiency: Lower power consumption makes it ideal for battery-powered projects.
  2. Affordability: Lower cost, suitable for budget-sensitive projects.
  3. Easy to Learn: Beginner-friendly with extensive tutorials and community support.



  1. Stay Connected: Ideal for projects that need to communicate online or with other devices.
  2. Bigger Projects: More power and memory allow for complex projects.


  1. Longer Battery Life: Suitable for portable projects due to its efficiency.
  2. Save Money: More affordable, allowing for additional or larger scale projects.
  3. Great for Beginners: Easy to start with and supported by a large community.

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