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19. Invention, Intellectual Property and Income


My project is a scientific one, so my main target will be research structures such as R&D companies, laboratories, universities, colleges… My project already exists in commercial form, but it’s 10 times more expensive. My sales plan will therefore focus on tight budgets.

The aim is to provide a simple test bed for growing microalgae, without extravagant technology, which means that the research project doesn’t have to be extremely specialized. The marketing pitch would be to sell it as a good way to get started with this technology, and to have a cheap and convenient way to start growing microorganisms.

But that’s the commercial way, and in science, it’s clearly not the best way to make an impact! The best way for me is to make a well-documented, easy-to-reproduce work and to put this documentation online in open access with the creative common license. This documentation can also be presented at specialized conferences and other scientific events. Once these steps have been completed, and if certain organizations want the project but don’t have the means to carry it out themselves, I can sell a service by carrying it out for them. But I have no intention of building more or selling it. This is a one-off project, for a specific request. And it’s a prototype, which means it will need improvements to be more effective, but I consider the work done for me, free for anyone to continue and improve this project.

To this end, this project is licensed under a creative common license, and may be freely copied and modified for non-profit purposes.

Video and slide

For the video, I plan to make one slide per part of my project: cabinet, covers, bottom, LEDs, fans, integration. For the slide, I plan to show the main features and explain them quickly.