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1. Project management

The main objectf of this first week is to understand how work this website, how I can modifie it and what are may plans for the final project.

Learning how tu use GitLab

At first, to understand how the sofware works, i have done some test in the IDE and I search in what way my internet page have change.

This have allow me to understand what is the position of each element in the code. For the element I have a doubt about, I simply ask at ChatGPT 3.5 to expain me “What does this code do ?”, or “how can I do this ?”. So for the most part, it have been a long list of trial and error.

For example, to understand what the headers were, I ask “explain to me line by line what this code does”. Then I understand the meaning of each line and know which one I need to change.

A more visual example might be this: I want to add an image, so I ask “How do I put an image in html? ChatGPT gives me a template:

<img src="image_path.jpg" alt="Alternative text">

I then modify this tempalte so that it corresponds to my actual code:

<img src="images/dogo_004.jpg" alt="Photo of My dogo"/>

But I want a different size, so I ask, “How do I change the size of an image? And here’s the answer:

<img src="image_path.jpg" alt="Alternative text" width="300" height="200">

So I finally modified my script as follows:

<img src="images/dogo_004.jpg" alt="Photo of My dogo" width="450" />

We also have a course with Luc HANNEUSE how is or instructor. We get some explanation about the way we should work, how we should describe things and how to set up MkDocs.

Setting the local git

First of all, I download a git gui for Windows. Then I open git bash and enter the command: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C “”. I select the folder where I want my key to be generated and then open git gui. I select clone an existing repository, and I select the SSH key on my website.

I choose the final destination and that’s it. To push my work, I open git gui, I go to my repository. I click to rescan, change the state, I put a little message about what I’m changing, I sign, I commit and I push. After a few seconds, my work is online. I modify my code in Visual Studio. To create new files, I simply copy and paste an old file and modify it.

For my class repository, it’s the same thing, but this time I have to click on remote, fetch from origin and merge, local merge if there have been any changes during my editing.

Learning how to compress the images

For compression and captation, I only use the tool present by default on Wondows system. I use only 2 tools : image capture and viewer. First, I select the area I want to capture with this tool :

Then I open the image vewer and I select the resizing tool :

Finally, I generally choose a jpg file with a size of 800px and a quality of between 75% and 95%. My main aim is to have a file size of less than 100KB.

My future project

For the final project, I’m not sure witch one I will do, so I will explain the tow possibilities, but first, I need to explain you what anaerobic digestion (or methanation) is.

The princpe of anaerobic digestion is to produce biogases (methane and CO2) by degradating organic matter. This matter can be solid or liquid, and can produce little or a large amont of gaz. The cycle can be describe like this :

Image create by kbbioenergy

The main advantage is that it is a renewable energy source, using only waste from farms, industries and towns. Methane can be used to generate electricity by cogeneration (the least efficient method) or injected directly into the natural gas network. Although burning methane produces CO2, it is estimated that each kilowatt saves around 200g of CO2e.

Project 1 : The anaerobic digestion tank

The project can be describe like this :

The main goal of ths project is to create an autonomous tank for lab experiments. This will need specific requirement like :

  • a gas-tight and liquid-tight tank
  • a recirculation system
  • specific size and shape
  • a double heating jacket

And if there is enought time, a three-phase head !

Project 2 : Algae culture tubes for methanisation

This project can also be descibe like this :

To do this shema, i used Adobe Illustrator.

Here you can see a serie of tube, witch will contain algae. The thinner tubes are for recirculation system, to have an homogeneous reactor. It take the fluid from the top to the bottom. A few LEDs will be needed to help the algae grow. The all system will be in a box, to have a controlled light input and a stable temperature.

The main objectif of this project is to create a columns bio-reactors for harvest aglae. Theses algae will be put in differents conditions so we can compare what is the effect of the parameter we change. With these test, we hope to found the best combination and thus the best growing condition. As the algae will be methanised, it is not necessary to produce as much organic matter as possible, but rather the algae with the greatest methannogenic power.