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Week 13 - Networking and communication

group assignment

  • Send a message between two projects


To send messages between two projects, we chose to make two ESP32s communicate. During his week, Alexis succeeded in getting an ESP32 to communicate with a screen. So we used his code to make our projects’ ESP32s communicate with his.

The code in the ESP32 linked to the screen:

The code in the ESP32 sending the request:

With these codes, we succeeded in making them communicate

Test with joystick and screen

In order to carry out my group assignments, I decided to try and establish communication between my esp32 joystick and the screen used by Alexis, still using the ESPNOW protocol. To do this, I mainly used the code used by Alexis to send analog values from my joystick. I found it difficult to send analog values via his code and used Blackbox AI which quickly got me unstuck. You can find the code used below and the zip files at the bottom of the page.


        #include "SPI.h"
        #include "TFT_eSPI.h"
        #include "ESP32_NOW.h"
        #include "WiFi.h"
        #include "esp_mac.h"  // For the MAC2STR and MACSTR macros
        #include "vector"
        TFT_eSPI tft = TFT_eSPI();
        /* Definitions */
        #define SCREEN_WIDTH 320
        #define SCREEN_HEIGHT 240
        #define FONT_SIZE 4
        #define ESPNOW_WIFI_CHANNEL 6
        /* Classes */
        // Creating a new class that inherits from the ESP_NOW_Peer class is required.
        class ESP_NOW_Peer_Class : public ESP_NOW_Peer {
          // Constructor of the class
          ESP_NOW_Peer_Class(const uint8_t *mac_addr,
                             uint8_t channel,
                             wifi_interface_t iface,
                             const uint8_t *lmk)
            : ESP_NOW_Peer(mac_addr, channel, iface, lmk) {}
          // Destructor of the class
          ~ESP_NOW_Peer_Class() {}
          // Function to register the control peer
          bool add_peer() {
            if (!add()) {
              log_e("Failed to register the broadcast peer");
              return false;
            return true;
          // Function to print the received messages from the control
          void onReceive(const uint8_t *data, size_t len, bool broadcast) {
            Serial.printf("Received a message from control " MACSTR " (%s)\n", MAC2STR(addr()), broadcast ? "broadcast" : "unicast");
            Serial.printf("  Message: %s\n", (char *)data);
            tft.init();          // Start the tft display
            tft.setRotation(1);  // Set the TFT display rotation in landscape mode
            // Clear the screen before writing to it
            tft.setTextColor(TFT_BLACK, TFT_WHITE);
            // Set X and Y coordinates for center of display
            int centerX = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2;
            int centerY = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2;
            tft.drawCentreString("Communication test!", centerX, centerY - 100, FONT_SIZE);
            tft.drawCentreString("Received a message from controller :", centerX, centerY - 40, 2);
            tft.setCursor(70, 120, 2);
            tft.printf(MACSTR " (%s)\n", MAC2STR(addr()), broadcast ? "broadcast" : "unicast");
            tft.setCursor(70, 140, 2);
            tft.printf("Message: %s\n", (char *)data);
            tft.drawCentreString("From Alexis", 280, 220, 2);
        /* Global Variables */
        // List of all the controls. It will be populated when a new control is registered
        std::vector"ESP_NOW_Peer_Class" masters;
        /* Callbacks */
        // Callback called when an unknown peer sends a message
        void register_new_master(const esp_now_recv_info_t *info, const uint8_t *data, int len, void *arg) {
          if (memcmp(info->des_addr, ESP_NOW.BROADCAST_ADDR, 6) == 0) {
            Serial.printf("Unknown peer " MACSTR " sent a broadcast message\n", MAC2STR(info->src_addr));
            Serial.println("Registering the peer as a controller");
            ESP_NOW_Peer_Class new_master(info->src_addr, ESPNOW_WIFI_CHANNEL, WIFI_IF_STA, NULL);
            if (!masters.back().add_peer()) {
              Serial.println("Failed to register the new controller");
          } else {
            // The peripherals will only receive broadcast messages
            log_v("Received a unicast message from " MACSTR, MAC2STR(info->src_addr));
            log_v("Ignoring the message");
        void setup() {

          // Initialize the Wi-Fi module
          while (!WiFi.STA.started()) delay(100);
          Serial.println("ESP-NOW Example - Broadcast Peripherals");
          Serial.println("Wi-Fi parameters:");
          Serial.println("  Mode: STA");
          Serial.println("  MAC Address: " + WiFi.macAddress());
          Serial.printf("  Channel: %d\n", ESPNOW_WIFI_CHANNEL);
          // Initialize the ESP-NOW protocol
          if (!ESP_NOW.begin()) {
            Serial.println("Failed to initialize ESP-NOW");
            Serial.println("Reeboting in 5 seconds...");
          // Register the new peer callback
          ESP_NOW.onNewPeer(register_new_master, NULL);
          Serial.println("Setup complete. Waiting for a control to broadcast a message...");
          tft.init();          // Start the tft display
          tft.setRotation(1);  // Set the TFT display rotation in landscape mode
          // Clear the screen before writing to it
          tft.setTextColor(TFT_BLACK, TFT_WHITE);
          // Set X and Y coordinates for center of display
          int centerX = SCREEN_WIDTH / 2;
          int centerY = SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2;
          tft.drawCentreString("Communication test!", centerX, centerY - 100, FONT_SIZE);
          tft.drawCentreString("Communication will start soon", centerX, centerY, 2);
          tft.drawCentreString("From Alexis", 280, 220, 2);
        void loop() {


        #include "Wire.h"
        #include "ESP32_NOW.h"
        #include "WiFi.h"
        #include "esp_mac.h" // For the MAC2STR and MACSTR macros
        const int axisY = 35;
        const int axisX = 34;
        const int avance = 0;
        const int direction = 0;
        #define ESPNOW_WIFI_CHANNEL 6
        class ESP_NOW_Broadcast_Peer : public ESP_NOW_Peer {
          ESP_NOW_Broadcast_Peer(uint8_t channel, wifi_interface_t iface, const uint8_t *lmk)
            : ESP_NOW_Peer(ESP_NOW.BROADCAST_ADDR, channel, iface, lmk) {}
          bool begin() {
            if (!ESP_NOW.begin() || !add()) {
              log_e("Failed to initialize ESP-NOW or register the broadcast peer");
              return false;
            return true;
          bool send_message(const uint8_t *data, size_t len) {
            if (!send(data, len)) {
              log_e("Failed to broadcast message");
              return false;
            return true;
        ESP_NOW_Broadcast_Peer broadcast_peer(ESPNOW_WIFI_CHANNEL, WIFI_IF_STA, NULL);
        void setup() {
          // Initialize the Wi-Fi module
          while (!WiFi.STA.started()) delay(100);
          Serial.println("ESP-NOW Example - Broadcast Master");
          Serial.println("Wi-Fi parameters:");
          Serial.println("  Mode: STA");
          Serial.println("  MAC Address: " + WiFi.macAddress());
          Serial.printf("  Channel: %d\n", ESPNOW_WIFI_CHANNEL);
          // Register the broadcast peer
          if (!broadcast_peer.begin()) {
            Serial.println("Failed to initialize broadcast peer");
            Serial.println("Reebooting in 5 seconds...");
          Serial.println("Setup complete. Broadcasting messages every 5 seconds.");
          pinMode(axisX, INPUT);
          pinMode(axisY, INPUT);
          delay(200); // delay to stabilize signal before the loop
        void loop() {
          char data[32];
          snprintf(data, sizeof(data), "avance: %d", analogRead(axisX));
          Serial.printf("Broadcasting message= %s\n", data);

          if (!broadcast_peer.send_message((uint8_t *)data, sizeof(data))) {
            Serial.println("Failed to broadcast message");

The result was satisfactory, and communication was quickly established. You can see the quality of the results on video:

The files

He you cand find the Joystick/Screen Master

He you cand find the Joystick/Screen Slave

Here you can find the in file

Here you can find the out file