Fab Academy 2023 | Fab All In Recitation
Fab All In Welcome:
We call it “Fab All-In” to signal that both “all topics” and “all people” could experience welcome in the journey to positive social, economic, environmental creative impact, personal self-expression, leadership/leader-shop, and community self-sufficiency.
- Sherry Lassiter
- Megan Smith
- Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld
- Beno Juarez, Collaborative exercise
- Megan Smith,Look Ahead to the Solutionspolooza
Systemic All-in Impact
- Gender Inclusion: Nuria Robles, León Fab Lab, Spain
- Rural Sustainability: Pradnya P Shindekar, Pioneer edu tech pvt ltd, India
- Intentional Inclusión: Felicity Mecha, Kenya
- The club for non-makers: Making the fablab a place for everyone: Duaa Alaali, Fab Lab Bahrain
The Natural/Cultural Context
- Amazon Wardens: Beno Juárez, Amazon, Peru
- Circular Economy with Natural Materials: Alysia Garmulewicz and Pilar Bolumburu, Santiago, Chile
- The Manifesto about the Fab Lab Culture: Adrian Torres, León Fab Lab, Spain
Economic Vitality
- Economic Independence: Rico Kanthatham, Kamakura, Japan
- Jogja Open Innovation for Community Enhancement Setyawan Wibowo, Indonesia
- Fab Textiles: Cecilia Raspanti and Anastasia Pistofidou, NL, Spain
- Carpentry Ecosystem: Vaneza Caycho, Lima, Peru
Changing Systems, Together
- Tech/Learning Bias: Megan Smith, Shift7, United States
- Community self-sufficiency: Blair Evans, Detroit, United States
- Fab Cities: Sherry Lassiter and Beno Juarez
- Large-Scale Systems Change: Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, United States
2022 Fab All In Course