Pieter Hijma - Fab Academy 2023

Drafts of the Presentation Slide and Video

My project will simply be named "Model Car Race Track" and I made it for my 2 year old son who loves to play with 1:64 scale model cars. At this stage, I had some setbacks in my planning, so there is not much to show except for CAD drawings that I will use for my slide and video.

The video so far:

The slide:


The target group for my project is my son, so in that sense dissemination will be easy. I will release the project as open source hardware with one of the CERN OHL licenses, as strongly reciprocal as possible. I consider this project in particular and Fab Academy in general as a mechanism to learn more about the relation between fabrication and documentation. As such I would like to create an assembly manual for this project with my software OSH Automated Documentation and potentially use it as a vehicle to explore other forms of documentation, such as for electronics.

Additionally, I would like to post about my experiences with FreeCAD in the FreeCAD forum and about my experiences with the software tools that I used in the Open Toolchain Foundation Forum . I hope this will bring these communities in contact with what the project and what I have been doing in Fab Academy.


Fab Academy

  • Develop a plan for dissemination.
  • Prepare a draft of the summary slide.
  • Prepare a draft of the video.