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Final project

[Final Video]

Table of Content

What does it do?

Have you noticed? Especially in the period of season transition, we check every day the whether outside.

I designed an input/output device that can measure the room temperature

I decided to make a comparator of outside/inside temperature. Season transitions are always full of joy but they also required more attention than usual. I don’t know you, but personally I have this everyday routine : check the temperature outside before decide what to wear. So I wanted to make a device that could simplify the process, by providing a clear message and help us making better decision.

It is a thermometer that can measure the temperature outside and show it on the oled screen.

It is a thermometer that

Who’s done what beforehand?

Bill Of Materials

ID Name Component Manufacturer Quantity Cost Image Datasheet/Documentation
1 XIAO ESP32C3 Microcontroller Seeed Studio 1 $4.99 link - - get started with web server:
2 128*64 LED display module SSD1306 OLED Sreen AdaFruit 1 $10.99
3 TEMP SENSOR I2C Temperature Sensor MICROCHIP 1 $1.43(link)
4 Buzzer piezo Buzzer Microchip Technology 1 $1.40
5 K3-2380S-E1 SMD Slide Switche Korean Hroparts Elec 1 $0.2196

What has to be done?

  • Ideas and sketches
  • Designing and 3D modeling
  • Digital fabrication
  • Soldering and assembly
  • Programming and testing
Categorie Task Status
Ideas and sketches Get inspiration from all sources
Ideas and sketches Sketch and write down ideas
Ideas and sketches Brainstorming and triage
Ideas and sketches Confirm the final idea
Designing and 3D modeling List all the electronic components needed
Designing and 3D modeling KICAD import all the schematic components
Designing and 3D modeling Modeling with Fusion360