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Week 1 - Principles and Practices & Project Management

Assignments | Week 01 | Principles and Practices & Project Management

Individual assignment

Principles and Practices (part 1 of 2)

  • Plan and sketch a potential final project

Project Management (part 2 of 2)

  • Work through a git tutorial
  • Build a personal website describing you and your final project.
  • Upload parts 1 and 2, to the class archive

Learning outcomes (What should be achieved)

  • Communicate an initial project proposal
  • Identify and utilize version control protocol(s)
  • Explore and use website development tool(s)

Introduction !

During the first class in Zoom conference, it was so funny to see others talking about how important is documentation. I can clearly understand their message: “don’t keep your joy and fustration for yourself! you are not alone, we would like to hear from you!”

In the documentations below, I will show you how I use git to manage the contents of a repository, how to build a documentation website using mkdocs for Fab’Academy, and the first idea of my final project.


Categorie Task
Website Made a website and described how you did it
Website Created a section about yourself on that website
Website Added a page with a sketch and description of your final project idea(s)
Website Documented steps for setting up your Git repository and adding files to it
Git Pushed to your class GitLab repository
Git Signed and uploaded Student Agreement
Final project Sketched your final project idea(s)
Final project Described briefly what it will do and who will use it


Click and see documentations below:

1. How to use git for Fab’Academy?

2. How use mkdocs?

3. Idea and sketch:Final project?


Challenges and Obstacles I faced during this week and how I try to understand them

The main challenge for me this week, is to write a documentation in english and overcome my feelings. Because it is the first time for me to engage in a relatively long term blogging activity. And I feel unconfident about writing documentation. Because I’m not used to it. Stephane told me that documentation is a skill that improves with practice. As you gain experience, you’ll become more comfortable and proficient in creating effective documentation.

Also, at the beggining, I didn’t fully understand the purpose of documentation. I thought documentation means tutorial, a text that teaches people what to do. But it is actually more than a tutorial. Stephane told me that a documentation is similar to a journal, where you share what you did, what went well what didn’t, how do you feel about your progress, what are the improvements for next time.

When the content and teaching methods contribute to my learning experience

In my past experiences, students were presented with the correct approach right from the start. For example, in a mathematics class, the lectures would often provide the most effective method for solving a certain type of equation. And the assessment verify if we know how to implement the correct formula to equations in the given context.

The Fab’Academy is a totally different concept. In class, our professor introduce the main concepts and their evolution through the time, a list of tools and techniques. It’s quite interesting because I noticed that when we could in just a short time, have an overview of a field od study, we are more stimulated because we’re invited to use our imagination while listening.

The long-term benefits and potential opportunities resulting from this week’s experience

Even though writing documentation makes me feel uneasy, it’s still a good thing. Because, I will improve my writing skills during the process. By constantly focusing on grammar, vocabulary, and sentence coherence. Also, I developed new skills and flexibility by learning to work with new tools such as git, markdown and mkdocs.

Little Anecdote

Before improvements, the conclusion started like this “I learn a lot, it was hard because I spent a lot of time to think what I can say”