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About me

Hi everyone! I’m Lauriane. I was born and grew up in a small town called Cayenne in French Guiana situated in South America.

© Adobe Stock/Matyas Rehak

My family spoke chinesse at home. In school we learn french and

I am currently studing Computer Science in Paris, France.

When I was little

I am currently studying Computer Science and AI for a bachelor degree at Sorbonne University in France.

In my free time, I love to keep my mind busy by asking and answering my own questions.

I’m a curious, open-minded person, and I never stop learning new things.

  • 2016 I learned image editing with Meitu. It led me to be able to develop my own esthetic vision.

  • 2018 I started to learn how to play piano. It triggered my interest in music composition, I’m working on a new album which release is on April 13 2023.

  • 2019 I went to a language trip with my best friend at Oxford, UK. After summer, I started to learn Python.

  • 2020 I starded video editing with CapCut, it

  • 2021 I graduated from high school and I learned so much about life after moving to Paris.

  • 2022 I got a certificate in listening, reading, and writing skills with HSK6. And I also started learning C and manipulating data with Jupyter Notebook.

  • 2023 I had the opportunity to join the big family of Fab’Academy!

What led me to Fab Academy?

I’m grateful for having the chance to join the big family of Fab’Academy. It is so impressive that a community of people from all over the world can gather around a yearly event, sharing their experiences and wisdom.

About Fablab Sorbonne team and Me

Our instructor is Stéphane. He is the fabmanager of Fablab Sorbonne, competent and pasionnate about

Clara is my classmate, and she’s a very creative person with the taste of does geat work and clear documentation