Fab Academy 2023
This website gathers most of what I learned and experimented during the 2023 Fab Academy course, also known as How to make (almost) anything. This course was originally delivered at the MIT by the Professor Niel Gershenfeld, and played a major part in the Fablabs spread accross the world. This course is now distributed internationnally thanks to local nodes of the Fab Foundation.
The Fab Academy is a fast paced, hands-on learning experience where students learn rapid-prototyping by planning and executing a new project each week, resulting in a personal portfolio of technical skills.
I followed this course in 2023 in Paris, in the node Fablab Sorbonne University where I also worked at the same time as a Fabmanager.
You can read more about my background in my about page.
The course is structured around 17 big topics, each of them being explored during a week and evaluated by weekly individual and group assignments. Assignments consist in small (or bigger) projects, with an exhaustive documentation of what have been learned, and must meet some requirements. You can navigate in my weekly projects thanks to the 'Assignments' section.
The course ended with three weeks to develop a 'Final Project'.
Final project
The final project must meet a number of requirements, but otherwise we were completely free of our subject. I imagined, designed and prototyped Radiant, a set of tools to explore the beauty of light diffusion.
I made a short presentation video showing the different steps to prototype the whole device - the video itself was an assignment, hence the very short duration and high speed!
Here's a quick preview of the project, but feel free to read more about it in my Final Project documentation
If you want to know more about the idea behind this prototype and how I made it, you can go through my Final Project documentation.
Weekly assignments
Here is a quick overview of the weekly assignments. Each week was dedicated to a different topic. We were free to explore any kind of tools in the topics' scopes but the project we made had to meet precise requirements, listed at the beginning of each page. You will find all source files at the end of each page.
The course ended with three weeks to develop a Final Project.
Read more about my final project
You can also browse my logbook to see the evolution of my project along the 6 months of Fab Academy.