WEEK06. Electronics Design

This week concerned about the the electroincs design, for me was an intense week, due to no previous knowledge about the topic.


Lab Tools


The multimeter is a fundamental tool if you want to play with electric circuits. In particular it is a tool to measure the different electic properties, like as voltage, resistence and current. Multimetro Here there is a list of the main properties measures:


The oscilloscoper is a type of electronic test instrument that graphically displays varying electrical voltages as a two-dimensional plot of one or more signals as a function of time. The oscilloscope This kind of test can be useful to detect the amount of noise present in the signals and to discover what happens in the different pins of our MCU or PCB. We tried different kind of signals:

To analyze the magnitude of the noise or of the peak it is fundamental to pay attention to the polot scale and to regulate it consequently.

The power supply

Kicad EDA

Kicad is a cross platform and open source Electronics Design Automation suite.

Clone and import the Fabacademy library

To manage in an easier way the components available in the FabLabs a dedicated library is created from the organization. So, using the terminal, I clone the library from the Fabacademy repository on Gitlab on the Kicad folder on my pc.

Terminal command to clone the Fabacademy library

1. Schematic Editor

I started drawing the schematic layout of my PCB

Component footprint import

2. PCB Design Editor

Board Setup

In order to project a feasible PCB with the milling machine that are available in the FabLab some technical constraints are setted, in the Kicad board setup, as shown in the picture below. Kicad board setup

3. 3D Viewer


Image description