

Introduction to Computer-Controlled Cuttinga: Laser cutting works by focusing the power of a high-power laser onto the surface of the material to be cut. The energy in the laser beam is absorbed into the surface of material, and the energy of the laser is converted into heat, which melts or vaporizes the material.



working principle of laser cutter machine

11/ feb /2023
our instractor exprain the main component of laser and its working principle. the moste type of laser cutter type are c02 and fiber laser cutter type which are used to cut non metal and metal respectively . breilfly the process of Laser cutting is a type of thermal separation process. The laser beam hits the surface of the material and heats it so strongly that it melts or completely vaporizes. Once the laser beam has completely penetrated the material at one point, the actual cutting process begins.

clasification of laser

  1. based on power where there are laser tube have >30 walt and laser diodes<.300walt.
  2. based on beam tube which are metal and glass tube

the description of group assignment can be found on the link bellow

Practical setion on laser cutting (individual work)

after learning theory of laser cuter our instructor shows how laser cuter is fuctioning by classifiying into two part sofware and hard ware part .on soft ware part he shows how to design and send your work on laser cutter by using core drow software.the step followed foe using laer cutter the link is
most of wark conducted on laser are shown below

As part of this assignment, we must develop a construction kit using a parametric design. Having used solidworks for the first-time last week for the computer-aided design assignment, I made the decision to use it.

I utilized the solidworks equation to control various aspects of my sketch, including the size of the boundary square, the material's thickness, and the gap's length. The connections in my design are in the middle of each side of a hexagon on a square. Next, I built the pieces so they would fit together and I obtained the join piece from the center, which also makes the structure lighter, to maximize the use of the material as much as possible.

Here you can see that my design is based on global variable which is the diameter of hexagonal where by all parameters such as material thickness and chamfer length are depend on.

After formulating equation tale my final part showed below.

My ambition is to have parametric design kit that is why I decided to use two part which will be assembled to gather to obtain the kit .bellow there are a procedure of how my second part is designed

IN addition, my finial kit after assembling is looking like that


My interesting thing is to learn how to make any things anywhere by using digital manufacturing and prototyping’s this is the first think I am going to create which is my pleasure to do it . as motioned in group assignment our fab lab laser cuter picture is showed below.

After designing my kit in solidworks I saved my solidworks part in dxf format in order to be able to open it in cored row which is the software running the our epilog laser cuter machine.

I turned on the machine after checking the laser dimension and making sure to turn on the compressor and filter as well. For the purpose of helping the laser focus, the compressor releases pressured air. Instead of a laser, the line of light appears as a large flame if the compressor isn't working. This can harm the machine and the material and, in the worst instances, start a fire. The filter cleans and discards itself after absorbing the smoke. After the work is over, we must wait a short while to allow the filter to completely absorb the potentially harmful vapors. after chacking my laser machine I used flashb disc to transfer my saved dxf work of parametric kit on another pc which can operate laser cuter machine by using core draw software here you can see the image which shows how my work was look like in core drow.

Then after inserting my work in coedrow I used print command and then through preference specification of laser cuter was specified and then I choose the power and speed magnitude then save the work which automatically send the job to the laser machine.

Now our laser cuter starts the job of cutting my kit

After cutting my kit I assembled in different way in order to make any object and the final came up with stand which can hold many thinks like 4nes and others


Our instructor was expalained how the vicutter machine my work on vinly cutter is to cut my name kawayiada and symbol of bee which is my best interest in my project on vinly sheet

The procedure used to accomplish my assignmet is explained bellow

    installtion of roland drive and vinly machine cofiguration
  1. I started with installation of drive and the configure the machine acording to its size After configulation i am going to set force to be aplied by cutter and pressure of the cuter
  2. vinly cuter machine have navigation button used to set forse and rocate the orgin beloow you can see the way it's looks like
  3. Create your artwork.
    I CREATED my art work by uzing core drow to get the victors which can be printed on vinily cuter machine here we are i sellect the line to cutted by vinly cutter in vinily cutter soft ware after preparing your art work you can start cuting operation by clicking on sellected icon
  4. cutting the artwork on vinily cutter

  5. in addtion Simple artwork like text is the easiest artwork to cut with a vinyl cutter. All keyboard fonts are considered vinyl cutter ready vector art (VCRVA or VCVA). All text on all the Windows or Mac included fonts can be typed directly into a vinyl cutting program. This includes fonts like Symbol. Alternatively, you can draw shapes and p repare vector art specifically for vinyl cutting with a graphics program like InkScape, Corel Draw or Adobe Illustrator. Usually, when people want to vinyl cut an image, creating clean vector art is the most time consuming process but yet it is the most important.