Embedded Networking and Communicati.

  1. Send a message between two projects
  2. Document your work to the group work page and reflect on your individual page what you learned
here there is more description on work on this group web page:Group work description is on here

Individual assignment

design, build, and connect wired or wireless node(s) with network or bus addresses

Table of Content

  • designed dev board
  • Confguration and integration of esp32 comercial boardon my designed board

DESIGN PROCEDURE OF MY DESIGN of my development board

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DESIGN PROCEDURE OF MY DESIGN of my development board and circuit programmer

design procedure of my pcb board

description circuit bord

here i would like to use esp32 microcontroller on my development board in order to interact with my out put (servor motor).there for my programmer designed before will convert the USB signal from your PC into UART communication so that i can program the ESP32 on the development board. This will allow me to send code and configuration information from your PC to the ESP32 using the chosen communication protocol of the microcontroller. The programmer will act as an interface between your PC and the ESP32, ensuring that the data is properly formatted and transmitted for successful programming.

Here you can find the procedure i used to design my dev-b
schematic diagram of my development board
pcb diagram of my development board
3d view diagram of my development board
my development board components list and thier foot prints
  • Click on the "Send" button to send the G-code to your milling machine. The Roland SRM-20 will now start milling your design. and eletronic components soldering on designed pcb
  • I2C Protocol

    I2C is also known as an inter-integrated circuit or IIC or I square C. It is a 2-wire serial communication protocol for short-range data transfer applications. It is an asynchronous half-duplex serial communication protocol. Furthermore, it is a multi-master bus protocol that requires only two wires to transfer data serially which are SCL and SDA.

    I2C bus consists of multiple devices such as slave and master devices. Each device connected with the I2C bus can be either in master mode or in slave mode. But only a master device can initiate the data transfer process. Usually, there is one master and one slave or multiple slave devices connected with the same I2C bus through pull-up resistors. Each salve address has a 7-bit unique address.

    1. Slave Devices:Each slave device has a unique address that is utilized to recognize the device on the bus. In other words, slave address helps the master device to send information to a specific slave device on the bus.
    2. Master devices:Master devices can send and get information. Slaves react to whatever a master sends. When sending information on the bus, just a single device can send information at a time.

    programing section

    the first things is to install libraly in arduino ide becouse The DHT sensors has their own proprietary single-wire data transfer protocol. This protocol requires precise timing. We don’t have to worry too much about this, though, because we’ll be using the DHTlib library, which handles almost everything.here you there is the link used to get library:libraly
